Monday, March 11, 2013

F3R Calendar Tasks

Here are the Calendar Tasks for this round. Pick 5 each week, and I'll email 2. Enjoy!
The 2 assigned task for week 1 are: send me your $20 and Pick a team name & email/text it to me.

* Provide a service for someone
* Smile and say hi to a stranger
* Play a board game with spouse, kids or friend
* Get or give yourself a mani or pedi
* Look in the mirror and compliment yourself
* Organize a drawer or shelf
* Try a new healthy recipe
* Go for a walk outside and enjoy the spring weather
* Work on a new year's resolution
* Tackle one project you have been avoiding on your home and do it: Organize the medications, wipe out cupboards...
* Read both the RS lesson (or a lesson you teach) and the Sunday school lesson before class. Mainly prepare to learn at church by studying at home. Counts as study time...
* Read or color with a child for 10 minutes.
* Write down 5 things you will do with your kids, grand kids or spouse that you wouldn't "normally" enjoy and make plans to do at least 1 by April 16. Expand your comfort zone.
* Try a green smoothie and share the recipe
* Keep your ears open for an act of service that someone needs and do at least one thing for that person.
* Watch 15 minutes of Mormon ad videos or videos. They are great!
* Plan a family night (include children?) that includes a prayer, a lesson--at least a spiritual thought, and a treat.
* Submit to the group what your favorite general conference talk was from any of the sessions. Report for the group why it had an impact on you
* Make a trip to the temple. Do a session, baptisms or walk the grounds and/or sit and ponder your life, children, a decision that you need to make.
* Read a chapter in your scriptures and "take notes" like you were in a school class. Look up all refs. See if you learn anything new.
* Look at yourself in the mirror everyday for a week and admit you are a daughter of god, you are strong and beautiful.
* Invite or recommend someone to do something you know to be a good use of time, that is healthy etc. Or go with someone to do something that is important to them, ie; dr apt, visit a grave.
* Cookie Monster your bishop, or a current leader you admire (Secret or not) If people in the competition are in your neighborhood do it together!
* Ponder what to say when confronted with irritation, and implement it - Practice forgiveness!
* Update your first aid kit
* Vacuum out your car 
* Wash your car or go through the car wash
* Hum, play or sing out loud your favorite hymn or church song
* Go to bed by 10:30 {lights out} for 2 nights in a row
* For Jana's birthday please review how to conduct yourself at a four way stop!!!
* Paint your toenails or fingernails or a kids toenails or fingernails.
* Clean out your purse, church bag, diaper bag, etc.
* Read for fun; 30 minutes or more!
* Attend a book club and participate in the discussion.
* Read a church book that isn't required reading for church.
* Set a short term goal and work on it for 1 week.
* Prepare a FHE lesson, primary lesson, RS lesson or talk at least 5 days before it has to be presented.
* Work outside! Plant peas, rake grass, pick up debris (or walnut shells) from your yard, or a neighbors.
* Pray for the needs of the ladies you Visit Teach (or for yours that you've never seen) and, if prompted, do something to help at least one of them.
* Complete your Visiting Teaching for March and/or April before the last day of the month. :)
* Go on a date with your hubby and focus on him! Don't play with your phone, text your mom/sister/babysitter, watch TV, etc. Listen to him, engage in meaningful conversation and express appreciation to him for the wonderful things he does.
* Enjoy a Girls Night or an hour out with a friend chatting and helping your gal pals feel good about who they are and what they're doing in their life. Toss in a free dessert if you need it.
* Offer a sincere compliment to someone you struggle with.
* Go on a date with your child or grandchild. Say only positive things for the entire date and let them pick the activity.
* Floss your teeth 3 days in a row
* Take a birthday treat to a neighbor or friend
* Change the sheets on your bed {or your kids, guest bed, etc.}
* Assemble Easter Baskets before Saturday night

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