Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jana's Workout & Lentil Tacos

Hi ya'll, so far I have no rockin' green smoothies for you that have worked out, but I do have a favorite workout and an easy recipe.

Step or Bench and a clock/timer is all you need, although you may benefit from a mat too.

*4-5 rounds*
1 minute -basic step up {don't go to crazy, that's coming}
30 Seconds -quick alternating toe touches to bench or step

1 minute - squats {straddle bench) go as low as you can and remember to squeeze your toosh when you come up :}
30 seconds -Jump on bench and power off into a squat

1 minute -slow burpee {put hands on bench and jump feet back, jump back up and stand back up, repeat}
30 seconds -fast burpee then when you come back to standing you jump up on bench

1 minute -plank walk ups {start in plank inclined with hands on bench, lower to elbow, then the other, then get back to plank}
30 seconds -quickly move to have plank with feet up on bench and hands on the floor, then repeat the walk ups in decline position

1 minute -alternating leg lunges
30 seconds -jump alt. lunges {if this hurts the knees please just do jumping jacks or something cardio for the 30 sec}

Then there is the most awesome ;) of all tacos.....haha 
Lentils, no kidding. Just cook according to package directions and add some low sodium taco seasoning, or your own mix.
Heat up some corn tortillas when lentils are done and add your healthy toppings. I like just the lentils with plain greek yogurt.
There you go, that shows you all how much I <3 cooking....which I don't. HAHA

Keep up the good work ladies! Good luck :)

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