Tuesday, March 26, 2013

F3R Calendar Tasks - Updated

Here are the Calendar Tasks for this round. Pick 5 each week, and I'll email 2. Enjoy!
The 2 assigned task for week 1 are: send me your $20 and Pick a team name & email/text it to me.

* Provide a service for someone
* Smile and say hi to a stranger
* Play a board game with spouse, kids or friend
* Get or give yourself a mani or pedi
* Look in the mirror and compliment yourself
* Organize a drawer or shelf
* Try a new healthy recipe
* Go for a walk outside and enjoy the spring weather
* Work on a new year's resolution
* Tackle one project you have been avoiding on your home and do it: Organize the medications, wipe out cupboards...
* Read both the RS lesson (or a lesson you teach) and the Sunday school lesson before class. Mainly prepare to learn at church by studying at home. Counts as study time...
* Read or color with a child for 10 minutes.
* Write down 5 things you will do with your kids, grand kids or spouse that you wouldn't "normally" enjoy and make plans to do at least 1 by April 16. Expand your comfort zone.
* Try a green smoothie and share the recipe
* Keep your ears open for an act of service that someone needs and do at least one thing for that person.
* Watch 15 minutes of Mormon ad videos or lds.org videos. They are great!
* Plan a family night (include children?) that includes a prayer, a lesson--at least a spiritual thought, and a treat.
* Submit to the group what your favorite general conference talk was from any of the sessions. Report for the group why it had an impact on you
* Make a trip to the temple. Do a session, baptisms or walk the grounds and/or sit and ponder your life, children, a decision that you need to make.
* Read a chapter in your scriptures and "take notes" like you were in a school class. Look up all refs. See if you learn anything new.
* Look at yourself in the mirror everyday for a week and admit you are a daughter of god, you are strong and beautiful.
* Invite or recommend someone to do something you know to be a good use of time, that is healthy etc. Or go with someone to do something that is important to them, ie; dr apt, visit a grave.
* Cookie Monster your bishop, or a current leader you admire (Secret or not) If people in the competition are in your neighborhood do it together!
* Ponder what to say when confronted with irritation, and implement it - Practice forgiveness!
* Update your first aid kit
* Vacuum out your car 
* Wash your car or go through the car wash
* Hum, play or sing out loud your favorite hymn or church song
* Go to bed by 10:30 {lights out} for 2 nights in a row
* For Jana's birthday please review how to conduct yourself at a four way stop!!!
* Paint your toenails or fingernails or a kids toenails or fingernails.
* Clean out your purse, church bag, diaper bag, etc.
* Read for fun; 30 minutes or more!
* Attend a book club and participate in the discussion.
* Read a church book that isn't required reading for church.
* Set a short term goal and work on it for 1 week.
* Prepare a FHE lesson, primary lesson, RS lesson or talk at least 5 days before it has to be presented.
* Work outside! Plant peas, rake grass, pick up debris (or walnut shells) from your yard, or a neighbors.
* Pray for the needs of the ladies you Visit Teach (or for yours that you've never seen) and, if prompted, do something to help at least one of them.
* Complete your Visiting Teaching for March and/or April before the last day of the month. :)
* Go on a date with your hubby and focus on him! Don't play with your phone, text your mom/sister/babysitter, watch TV, etc. Listen to him, engage in meaningful conversation and express appreciation to him for the wonderful things he does.
* Enjoy a Girls Night or an hour out with a friend chatting and helping your gal pals feel good about who they are and what they're doing in their life. Toss in a free dessert if you need it.
* Offer a sincere compliment to someone you struggle with.
* Go on a date with your child or grandchild. Say only positive things for the entire date and let them pick the activity.
* Floss your teeth 3 days in a row
* Take a birthday treat to a neighbor or friend
* Change the sheets on your bed {or your kids, guest bed, etc.}
* Assemble Easter Baskets before Saturday night
* Watch the lds.org video on the Resurrection or read about it in the scriptures and ponder in a quiet place for at least 5 minutes about what it means to you.
* Write down your feelings about the Savior in a special place { journal, family history records, etc.}

Week 2 Results & Week 3 Tasks

Here are the results for this week - it's a close race!

Tied for 1st: Nachos y Chino & E Squared - 1210
2nd: Daffodils - 1208
3rd: Lean Queens - 1200
4th: Team Idaho - 1196

The assigned tasks this week are:
* Participate in an Easter Activity - egg hunt, Easter dinner, etc.
* Talk to your kids/grandkids/primary kids/YW, etc. about the true meaning of Easter & why we really celebrate it. Use the video on LDS.org about the Resurrection or your scriptures to help illustrate the significance.

Suzanne's Oat Pancake Recipe & Exercise

Exercise:  I am a treadmill person.  I try and walk at least 10 minutes or more once or twice a day.
Some days I just walk - set a speed and walk as long as I can.  Most of the time tho I vary my speed - walking so long at one speed and then every 30 seconds going up .2 of a mile per hour until I reach a speed that taxes me and then I will walk a minute or two at that speed and then start backing down walking at each spead decrease for minute or two and then just cooling down at  a slow walking speed.
Hope this makes sense.

Oat Pancakes ( I have made these for years - kids and grands favorites)

1 cup of oats (I have used quick and regular)
1 cup whole spelt flour
2 tblesp. of sugar (I now use turbinado sugar)
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs slightly beaten
1 - 1 1/2 cups of almond milk (depending on how thick I want the pancakes)
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 tsp. lemon juice

Combine oats, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl.
Make a well in the center.
Combine egg, milk, oil and lemon juice.  Pour into well and stir just until moistened.
Pour batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto a lightly greased hot griddle: turn when bubbles form on top of pancakes.
Cook until second side is golden brown.

Jana's Greenish Smoothie

Finally I made a smoothie that tasted good enough to drink!
2 handfuls of spinach
1 cup frozen berries
1 fresh banana (I didn't want to wait to freeze it)
1/2 cup Greek yogurt 
Some water to make it drinkable
Then I added some honey because it needed a bit (maybe 1-2 tbsp?) of something more.

It turned out purple, but it ended up a great smoothie for me and my daughter who was excited to help!

Erin's Green Smoothie

i pretty much drink the same green smoothie every day so it has been fun to experiment with new recipes. here was one i tried that i liked:

blend 1 cup vanilla almond milk with 1-2 cups baby spinach, add some frozen strawberries and 1 frozen banana and 1 tbsp natural peanut butter. not too shabby. 

Kristen's Tacos & Workout

Chicken and black bean tacos
2-3 chicken breasts (frozen is fine)
1 can black beans
1 can corn (omit if you'd like)
1 tbs. minced onion
1 cup salsa
1/2 cup water or chicken broth
Taco seasoning (I make my own to avoid the preservatives, google it, it's super easy)
Cook it in the crockpot for 6-8 hours on low.  Shred the chicken and return to crock.  
Can used for salads quesadillas or tacos.  
Great ww home made tortilla recipe at 100 days of real food blog.  I use less oil and more water it works great!

I have lost the most weight when I lifted weights.  I don't go to a gym so instead I purchased 5 10 and 12 lb weights.  I do reps of 15 for biceps triceps chest and shoulders.  I work them two different ways each time so each muscle group is getting 3 sets twice (does that make sense).  Then I finish with 20 minutes of Pilates to do abs and flexibility.  (Not super high intensity but I feel tighter!). The whole workout takes 45 minutes.

I try and do this twice a week.

Jana's Workout & Lentil Tacos

Hi ya'll, so far I have no rockin' green smoothies for you that have worked out, but I do have a favorite workout and an easy recipe.

Step or Bench and a clock/timer is all you need, although you may benefit from a mat too.

*4-5 rounds*
1 minute -basic step up {don't go to crazy, that's coming}
30 Seconds -quick alternating toe touches to bench or step

1 minute - squats {straddle bench) go as low as you can and remember to squeeze your toosh when you come up :}
30 seconds -Jump on bench and power off into a squat

1 minute -slow burpee {put hands on bench and jump feet back, jump back up and stand back up, repeat}
30 seconds -fast burpee then when you come back to standing you jump up on bench

1 minute -plank walk ups {start in plank inclined with hands on bench, lower to elbow, then the other, then get back to plank}
30 seconds -quickly move to have plank with feet up on bench and hands on the floor, then repeat the walk ups in decline position

1 minute -alternating leg lunges
30 seconds -jump alt. lunges {if this hurts the knees please just do jumping jacks or something cardio for the 30 sec}

Then there is the most awesome ;) of all tacos.....haha 
Lentils, no kidding. Just cook according to package directions and add some low sodium taco seasoning, or your own mix.
Heat up some corn tortillas when lentils are done and add your healthy toppings. I like just the lentils with plain greek yogurt.
There you go, that shows you all how much I <3 cooking....which I don't. HAHA

Keep up the good work ladies! Good luck :)

Amy's Favorite Breakfast & Workout

My favorite breakfast is french toast with fresh fruit on it.  It keeps me full for HOURS!!!  It is a great combination of carbs, protein and fruit.  I had it with blackberries today and it was delicious!  Skim milk is a must to go with it!  Sorry it isn't a specific recipe.

I love to run to the high school and run up and down the bleachers.  It is a great calorie burn! 

Jamie - Fajitas & Basketball

My favorite meal when eating Healthy is Chicken and Shrimp Fajitas. 

I fill a sauté pan with a little but of water, to cover the bottom about two inches, and let that boil. Then I add som  garlic seasoning and half an onion and let that boil for a little bit. I then add cut chicken breasts with the fat trimmed off and let it cook in the water. After cooking the chicken a little bit I add green and red peppers and the shrimp and cook it until it's all done. 
I then out some shredded low fat cheese on a whole wheat tortilla and it eat! 

As far as my favorite work out. I hate exercising but I love playing basketball so playing pick up games with my roommate is a fun way to stay fit. 

Erin's Recipe & Workout Recommendation

here is a good whole wheat pancake recipe i found:

1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 TBSP turbinado sugar
1 TBSP baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 large egg
1 1/4 cups milk
2 TBSP oil or apple sauce

1. place the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium sized bowl and whisk until combined.
2. place the egg, milk and oil (or apple sauce) in a large bowl and beat until well blended. add the flour mixture to the egg mixture and stir everything together just until blended.
3. spray a skillet, cook pancakes over medium heat

i have tried a lot of different work out routines and videos but what i always keep coming back to is yoga. however, not all yoga is created equal and you have to find the right type of yoga for your level of flexibility and body. after trying several yoga videos from the library, my absolute favorite one is "fat free yoga: total tune up". once you get past the gal's little white outfit (just warnin ya) it's a workout i'm able to do at night when i'm dead tired (i usually can't exercise till 9:30pm or later) and feel really good afterwards. so i love being able to do a workout that doesn't exhaust me or strain my body but definitely gives me a great feel good workout. 

Amber's Recipe & Workout


My favorite workout is running outside...however that isn't possible every day.  On the days that I work out at home I really like Jillian Michaels "30 shred" or her "Shred-it with Weights".  I always come away feeling stiff the next day...especially if I haven't done it for a while...makes me feel like I actually accomplished something. 

My recipe is:
Hamburger Chowder (tried to go for something a little different)
1 lb of lean ground beef
1 small can of tomato sauce (or bigger if you have a larger family)
sliced carrots (I usually use 4-5)
sliced celery (I use 3-4 stalks)
1 tsp. salt (or more...to taste)
potatoes (1 or 2 depending on size)
whole wheat pasta (I like to use penne or rotini)

Cook your hamburger.  Add can of tomato sauce, then use can and add for cans of water.  You can add more of each if you are feeding a lot of people.  Once you bring that to a boil, add salt, carrots, celery.  Cook for a few minutes, then add potatoes (cubed) and pasta (optional).  Just boil until all of the veggies are cooked through.  I also like to add pepper and other spices depending on my mood.  This is very nuke-able for leftovers too.

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Bri's Taco Soup

Well I would have to say one of my fav recipes is taco soup!! It's yummy, supers easy to make, healthy and low in calories. 

1 can of black beans

1 can of corn 

1 can of tomato sauce 

1 can of stewed tomatoes 

Pour them in a pot then add as much taco seasoning and ground turkey breast as you like. 

As far as exercising I love to play a few games of basketball (about an hour) to get some cardio in then I head to the pool and do laps without using my legs to swim to get a good arm workout then head to the steam room to get a good sweat in. Gives me a pretty good all around workout. :) 

Thanks for all the great recipes and work out ideas, I can wait to try them out!! 

Jenn's Exercise Routine & Kale Chips

Exercise is one of my least favorite things because I don't like getting sweaty or being sore. I found a DVD, exhale: core fusion, that mixes many elements such as yoga, Pilates, and dance stretches. The segments are 20 minutes long and I've seen a big difference in my flexibility and strength. Plus, I don't get too sore or sweaty so it's a win-win for me.

My kids love kale chips and we can go kale almost year around here so we have this snack a lot.  Watch them cooking though because they really do turn bitter-tasting when they turn brown.
Baked Kale Chips
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic 

3 large handfuls lacinato kale, torn into shreds
1 to 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Preparing to bake. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Combine the salt, and garlic in a small bowl.
Oiling the kale. Put the kale leaves in a large bowl. Drizzle over 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Massage the oil into the leaves. You might need more. You might have larger hands than I do. Use your judgment.
Bake the chips. Arrange the kale chips onto the sheet try and slide it into the oven. Bake until the leaves are crisp to the touch but still a dark green. (When they turn brown, they turn bitter.) Check at the 12-minute mark, to be sure.
Remove them from the oven. Sprinkle with salt.
Let them cool a bit. Eat.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Erica's Kettle Bell Workout

My favorite workout is weight lifting. I try to lift quickly enough and move from set to set fast enough to keep my heart rate up, doubling my lifting with cardio. This is my go-to full body workout with a kettle bell. 

I usually do each exercise 12 - 15 reps 
* Kettle bell swing with a squat
* Airplane {single leg deadlift with the other arm out to the side, raising same leg to the back)
* Alternate legs, repeat Airplane
* Bicep curl
* Suitcase lunge {lunge position, holding kettle bell on the same side as foot that's in front, hanging down like a suitcase}
* Around the world {hold Kettle bell upside down and circle it around your head, rotating the Kettle bell around your head. Be careful not to thwack yourself}
*Figure 8 {squat while swinging the kettle bell around one leg, then through your legs and around the opposite leg, like a figure 8}

Repeat 2 -3 more times.

Erica's Fiero Chicken

Cut 3 or 4 chicken breasts into pieces and place them into a 9x13 pan.

In a bowl combine:
1 cup plain greek yogurt,
3/4 cup milk,
4 oz can of green chills,
1 cup shredded mexican blend cheese,
8 - 10 oz enchilada sauce, (I make this from scratch, using Whole Wheat Flour)
1 T chili powder
1/2 t cumin
1/2 t garlic salt
1/2 t onion salt/powder
1 can black beans, drained.

Mix and pour over the chicken. Bake on 350 for 40 minutes. Serve over brown rice or in whole wheat tortillas.

This recipe originally called for cream cheese and whipping cream. I altered it to this healthier version, and although it's not as rich and creamy, it's still yummy.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Updated Results for Week 1

Here are the updated results for week 1:

Tied for 1st with 1210:  Nachos y Chino (Bri & Jamie)
                                      E Squared (Erin & Erica)
                                      Daffodils (Jenn & Suzanne
            2nd with 1205:  Lean Queens (Amber & Jana)
             3rd with 1163:  Team Idaho (Amy & Kristen)   

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 1 Results

Here are the results as I currently have them. I'm waiting for points from 2 gals still, so these are likely to change. I know the first week can be rough, but from the results I'm hearing about, you gals are rocking it!

Tied for 1st with 1210:  Nachos y Chino (Bri & Jamie)
                                       E Squared (Erin & Erica)
            2nd with 1205:  Lean Queens (Amber & Jana)
Tied for 3rd with  605:    Daffodils (Jenn & Suzanne)
                                      Team Idaho (Amy & Kristen)

At this point, I believe I have everyone's money, Thanks!

Additional tasks have been added to the Task list, so be sure to take another look at it.

You're 2 assigned tasks this week are:
Email me a healthy recipe (that you haven't submitted before) to post on the blog
Email me a workout you love (same as above) that I'll post on the blog

Seeing the theme? We're going to share some tips to help others be successful too.

Good luck to everyone on an awesome 2nd week!

Monday, March 11, 2013

F3R Food Lists

Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, Spelt, Sprouted grains, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits
All vegetables except corn
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Tuna (packed in water)
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Low Fat cottage cheese
String cheese, Part-Skim Mozarella
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Air popped popcorn or 94% fat free microwave popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Daily Vitamin, RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max.

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined White Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Any cookie with sugar
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars such as granola bars, Cliff bars, Pop Tarts
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. Be wise about the amounts, but it’s still up to you.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Corn and Corn products
Natural tortilla chips/other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc.
Natural dark chocolate {look for a minimum of 60% cacao}
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, bran muffins, etc.
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc.
Sugar free gum
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.
Natural, No sugar added Frozen Yogurt (not sugar-free, as in sweetened with fake, chemical sugar)

F3R Calendar Tasks

Here are the Calendar Tasks for this round. Pick 5 each week, and I'll email 2. Enjoy!
The 2 assigned task for week 1 are: send me your $20 and Pick a team name & email/text it to me.

* Provide a service for someone
* Smile and say hi to a stranger
* Play a board game with spouse, kids or friend
* Get or give yourself a mani or pedi
* Look in the mirror and compliment yourself
* Organize a drawer or shelf
* Try a new healthy recipe
* Go for a walk outside and enjoy the spring weather
* Work on a new year's resolution
* Tackle one project you have been avoiding on your home and do it: Organize the medications, wipe out cupboards...
* Read both the RS lesson (or a lesson you teach) and the Sunday school lesson before class. Mainly prepare to learn at church by studying at home. Counts as study time...
* Read or color with a child for 10 minutes.
* Write down 5 things you will do with your kids, grand kids or spouse that you wouldn't "normally" enjoy and make plans to do at least 1 by April 16. Expand your comfort zone.
* Try a green smoothie and share the recipe
* Keep your ears open for an act of service that someone needs and do at least one thing for that person.
* Watch 15 minutes of Mormon ad videos or lds.org videos. They are great!
* Plan a family night (include children?) that includes a prayer, a lesson--at least a spiritual thought, and a treat.
* Submit to the group what your favorite general conference talk was from any of the sessions. Report for the group why it had an impact on you
* Make a trip to the temple. Do a session, baptisms or walk the grounds and/or sit and ponder your life, children, a decision that you need to make.
* Read a chapter in your scriptures and "take notes" like you were in a school class. Look up all refs. See if you learn anything new.
* Look at yourself in the mirror everyday for a week and admit you are a daughter of god, you are strong and beautiful.
* Invite or recommend someone to do something you know to be a good use of time, that is healthy etc. Or go with someone to do something that is important to them, ie; dr apt, visit a grave.
* Cookie Monster your bishop, or a current leader you admire (Secret or not) If people in the competition are in your neighborhood do it together!
* Ponder what to say when confronted with irritation, and implement it - Practice forgiveness!
* Update your first aid kit
* Vacuum out your car 
* Wash your car or go through the car wash
* Hum, play or sing out loud your favorite hymn or church song
* Go to bed by 10:30 {lights out} for 2 nights in a row
* For Jana's birthday please review how to conduct yourself at a four way stop!!!
* Paint your toenails or fingernails or a kids toenails or fingernails.
* Clean out your purse, church bag, diaper bag, etc.
* Read for fun; 30 minutes or more!
* Attend a book club and participate in the discussion.
* Read a church book that isn't required reading for church.
* Set a short term goal and work on it for 1 week.
* Prepare a FHE lesson, primary lesson, RS lesson or talk at least 5 days before it has to be presented.
* Work outside! Plant peas, rake grass, pick up debris (or walnut shells) from your yard, or a neighbors.
* Pray for the needs of the ladies you Visit Teach (or for yours that you've never seen) and, if prompted, do something to help at least one of them.
* Complete your Visiting Teaching for March and/or April before the last day of the month. :)
* Go on a date with your hubby and focus on him! Don't play with your phone, text your mom/sister/babysitter, watch TV, etc. Listen to him, engage in meaningful conversation and express appreciation to him for the wonderful things he does.
* Enjoy a Girls Night or an hour out with a friend chatting and helping your gal pals feel good about who they are and what they're doing in their life. Toss in a free dessert if you need it.
* Offer a sincere compliment to someone you struggle with.
* Go on a date with your child or grandchild. Say only positive things for the entire date and let them pick the activity.
* Floss your teeth 3 days in a row
* Take a birthday treat to a neighbor or friend
* Change the sheets on your bed {or your kids, guest bed, etc.}
* Assemble Easter Baskets before Saturday night