Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 2 Calendar Tasks

Hope everyone had a Fun-tabulous first week! Points are still trickling in, so be sure to check back this afternoon to see the team standings.

In no particular order, here are the tasks for week 2 -

* Do 100 crunches
* Be in bed by 10 p.m.
* Give a sincere compliment to someone
* Play a game with your kids, parents, husband, friend or other family member
* Try a healthy recipe from the posts last week, then leave a comment about how you liked it & what adjustments you made {if any}.
* Read an article from the Ensign, New Era or Friend {any issue, including conference ones & this can count towards your scripture reading time for the day}
* Complete an item you've been procrastinating; i.e. cleaning a room, finishing a project, finalizing something for work or church, planning your son's birthday party . . . you get the idea. :)

Enjoy your second week getting Fit while having Fun!

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