Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A few thoughts on Water . . .

We all know that both the earth and our bodies are largely composed of water. It's essential for our survival. But so many of us don't get enough of this necessity. I've learned a few things about optimizing water intake & here are a few suggestions to help get in your daily H2O - especially now that we've upped it to 64 oz!

Try drinking 12 - 20 ounces first thing in the morning; it's a good way to get a portion of your water consumed early, and it gives your body a hydration jump-start.
They say it's healthier not to drink while eating. Instead, try drinking 8 -12 ounces 30 minutes before mealtime. 
Ironically, ice cold water is harder on your stomach than room temperature is. Although warm water isn't appealing to all, try having 8 - 12 ounces without ice.

Not happy with water? 

Many people don’t like to drink plain water. Like many healthy goals, it helps to make small changes.  To make your water more palatable, why not add a slice of fresh citrus to it. Or consider drinking the flavored and carbonated water that is now available at most grocery stores. Take care to make sure that the water has no additional sugar or artificial sweeteners. Mineral waters, carbonated or non-carbonated, also offer an appealing alternative. I like Vitamin Water Zero {which is sweetened with Stevia} & buy it in bulk at Sam's Club. 

Flavor your water - Make a pitcher of water with another ingredient to liven things up. Here are a few ideas: Lemon, Organges, Mint, Cucumber, Limes, etc. 

What’s wrong with soda or diet soda?

Scientists and health advocates blame soda for a wide variety of ailments ranging from tooth decay to diabetes, even cancer. The reason is simple: beyond high-fructose corn syrup, which is pure sugar, the remaining ingredients are chemicals. What about diet soda, you may ask; it doesn’t have any sugar. True, instead it has more chemicals and many scientists believe that these chemicals, and artificial sweeteners in particular, need to be studied more thoroughly. There is a general consensus among those in the medical industry that artificial sweeteners play some role in the epidemic of obesity in the world, amongst other health problems. 

Do you have a Water Tip to share? Post it in the comments!

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