Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 4 Calendar Tasks

I realized last night that we're almost done! We're down to the last week - wow, this month has really flown by. To simplify things, we're going to roll next Wednesday & Thursday into this week, so add 2 additional days to your tracking sheets. Weigh in on Friday morning {November 2nd}, then text or email me your points for 9 days + the total number of lbs you lost over the entire 30 days.

Just a reminder that Healthy Holidays Round 2 will begin on Wednesday November 7th. Let me know ASAP if you'd like to sign up for the next round. I'm not anticipating any changes - I'm loving how this round has been structured! If you do have a suggestion, please let m know.

There will be 9 calendar tasks listed to get us through the end of the competition. Let's all finish strong!

* Email or text me 5 ideas for Calendar tasks {to be used in the next 2 rounds}
* Enjoy a Holiday Treat {Pumpkin Chocolate Chip bread, Egg Nog, Caramel Apple, etc.}
* Give 5 compliments to non-family members
* Have some "girl time" - hang out with girlfriends, sisters, your daughter, mom, etc.
* Do a random act of service for a stranger
* Play a game {card, board, xbox, wii, etc.}
* Decorate or carve a pumpkin
* Try a recipe or fitness tip one of us has shared, that you haven't tried already.
* Do something fun to celebrate Halloween & document it {picture, video, etc.}

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