Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emily's Fitness Tip

One great way to keep weight in check as we get older (as well as feel your best) is to add resistance training to your exercise routine.  Our metabolism slows as we age for a variety of reasons.  One of the big reasons for this is because we naturally lose lean muscle mass as we get older (especially after the age of 40).  Resistance training is also great for building bone density.  

For years I struggled with resistance training because it seemed so intimidating- I never knew what to do, didn't want to look silly at the gym, and even after I did learn a little bit about how I should be lifting- it took forever!  So long story short- I had a hard time with any kind of consistency and did not see any results.  After working with a trainer I learned a much better way to strength train.
The rules he use to put together my routines were simple- I can now do a quick routine (30-40 minutes) that strengthens my whole body, and is great for calorie burn as well.  I do a routine similar to this 2-3 times per week.  Doing this consistently over the last year has dramatically changed my body for the better!  I feel strong and toned.  I know I am in good shape!  It was amazing how quickly I built my strength just by being consistent about my workouts.

The workouts he would create for me all had a very similar pattern:
6-8 excercises approximately 15-18 reps (depending on weight).
These can be performed all in a row, and repeated three times, or sets of 2, repeated 3 times, or sets of 3 repeated three times.  

Exercises are selected based on major muscle groups

chest and biceps-1 exercise (pushups, chest press, etc... an upper body "pushing" exercise)
back and triceps- 1 exercise (any kind of row or pull down... an upper body "pulling" exercise)
butt and hamstrings-1 exercise (squats, dead lift, bridge, etc.)
quads- 1 exercise (any kind of lunge or step up)--- 
full body move- 1-2 exercise (something like a burpie- anything that involves many muscle groups and gets your heart rate up)
core/abs- 1-2 moves
Sometimes also adds one move for shoulders-- like overhead press or lateral raise.

Here is an example routine that can easily be performed at home with a simple dumbell set.

squat (16-30 lbs) 16 reps
prone dumbell row (10-15 lbs) 12 each arm
alternate these two moves, repeat 3 times

12 burpies

forward lunge (0-15 lbs) 12 each leg
push up (guys or girls) 15-20
alternate these two moves, repeat 3 times

12 burpies

pelvic bridge 25 reps
plank 1 minute
alternate these two moves, repeat 3 times

This is just one example... the combinations are endless! 

Great resources for workouts like this are everywhere on the internet.  Another good source for these kind of workouts is in magazines like shape and fitness.  I personally like shape magazine- it has at least one new full body workout every month.  

Here is a site that explains a similar style of routine, probably much better than I just did:)  

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