Saturday, June 1, 2013

F3R2 Calendar Tasks

Here are the calendar tasks for F3R2! You can pick whichever ones you want and do them in any order, just be sure you do a total of 7 each week {including the ones I assign}. Enjoy!

* Take your dog or a friend's dog for a walk

* Play at a park with your kids, grandkids etc.
* Try on your bathing suit and don't say one bad thing about your body! Find something good about you in your suit & compliment yourself!
* Talk to a new neighbor (or an old one you've never introduced yourself to), sit by someone you've never sat before at church or start a conversation with someone while waiting in line. Just put yourself out there and talk to someone new!
* Wish Jenn a happy birthday on June 29th!
* Look in the mirror and compliment yourself
* Write down your feelings about the Savior in a special place
* Go for a walk outside
* Smile and say hi to a stranger
* Stop what you are doing during the middle of the day and do something fun with your child (go to the park, play a game, color)
* Spend an evening setting physical (health related) and spiritual goals for your family with your Husband and/or children
* Try a new healthy recipe and get your entire family involved in the preparation of the meal
* Read/Listen to at least 3 conference talks during the week
*Try a new type of exercise that you don't normally do
* Watch a movie or TV show of YOUR choice
* Read an article from the Friend to a child
* Listen to YOUR choice of music for at least 10 minutes
* Weed your flowerbed or garden
* Give someone in your family a sincere compliment
* Go on a hike and enjoy the outdoors
* Read the Relief Society & Sunday School lessons or Primary lesson before Sunday
* Clean the blinds in one room
* Play a board/card/etc. game with your children/spouse/friend
* Go on a date & don’t be sidetracked with phones, TV, etc. FOCUS on your date!
* Take a goody or treat to someone you know that needs a pick me up.
* Perform a household repair or project that has been nagging you.
* Take a child on a one on one outing
* Visit or call a grandparent, widow, or other elderly loved one.
* Take 10 minutes alone to sit and do nothing.  Relax, close your eyes, breathe, clear your mind, meditate.
* Write 2 thank you notes
* Go on a fun outing with your kids – SCHOOL’S OUT!!
* Go Swimming
* Make a list of fun things you'd like to do with your kids this summer
* Take a walk with a friend.
* Organize your recipes and cook books. Or spend 15 minutes working on it.
* Try a new recipe with a food that you haven't tried and report it.
* Spend quality time with a child - reading, playing, or just talking.
*  Write a letter to someone you haven't seen in a long time.
*  Write a note of appreciation to someone who would not expect it (teacher in church, a mother struggling with her children, neighbor etc.)
* Plan an outing or trip with your family or hubby and actually do it! Could be a week-long vacay, a stay-cation or a day trip to someplace close.
*Learn something new (may only take a few minutes or several days...but enrich your mind a little)
* Do something for yourself for 30 minutes; take a walk, read a book, take a nap, etc.
* Dust your house
* Call an old friend that you haven't talked to in a while
* Try a new fruit or veggie
* Learn to index (or index 10 names if you already know how)
* Play an outside game with your kids
* Watch 2 video clips on
* Write down 10 things you are good at or you like about yourself
* Start a project you have been putting off
* Finish a project you have been putting off
* Run through the sprinklers with your kids
* Weed 1 flowerbed
* Try a vegetarian recipe and share it
* Play a game with your family
* Do that one chore around the house you have been putting off
* Wash and/or vacuum out your car
* Write in your journal
* Go through a closet in your home and find at least 5 things to donate
* Clean out the fridge
* Make a list of 5 things you love about yourself and 2 things you want to improve on
* Do something with your family that you don't normally do: have a water balloon fight, go on a picnic, go for a bike ride, hike, see a movie, etc.
* Work on a craft for 30 minutes
* Make/buy Father’s Day cards for the important men in your life
* Write a letter to a Missionary
* Floss your teeth 3 nights in a row
* Make your bed every morning for a week
* Change the sheets on at least one bed
* Create & implement an educational summer program for your kids or grandkids {workbooks, typing practice, reading time, etc.}. Feel free to share ideas with the group.
* Visit the Temple; explore the grounds, do Temple Work, explore the Visitor’s Center or just enjoy the serenity there.
* Be in bed by 10 p.m. for 2 nights in a row, with lights out!
* Spend an hour working in your yard
* Pamper yourself; get a pedicure or massage, take a long bath, etc.
* Work on a cleaning a room in your home for at least 15 minutes
* Read an article from the Ensign and discuss it with a friend, hubby, kids, etc.

1 comment:

  1. i really like these tasks! thanks for thinking them up everyone, can't wait to do them :)
