Sunday, May 26, 2013

F3R2 Info, Intro & Rules


Fit and Fun in Five Returns!
A simple plan to balance physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Info, Intro & Rules
Tired of where you are; spiritually, physically or both? 
Then join us for five weeks of healthy habits to nourish our bodies, minds and spirits.

We’ll be starting on May 29th and ending on July 2nd. 
Participation Fee is $25 {$5 goes toward my operating costs}

µ F3R begins on a Wednesday morning. I’d still recommend weighing in, though there aren’t weight loss points this round.  Weeks will run from Wednesday mornings to Tuesday nights. Be sure to text or email me your points every Wednesday by 2 p.m. Total points need to be emailed or texted to Erica Wednesday July 3rd. Weekly results will be posted at by Wednesday evening.

µ We’ll stick with teams of two {unless we have an odd number of participants}, with each team selecting a team name. You’re welcome to bring your own teammate or have one assigned to you. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 9 P.M. points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, personal prayer points and personal scripture study points.

µ Personal Goals: This round there will be no weight loss points. Each participant needs to pick one fitness goal and one spiritual goal, then email them to me by May 26th .  Once I've received your goals, I’ll assign teams & you’ll need to share your fitness goal with your teammie. Your goal must be measurable! Pounds lost, % body fat reduction, exercising 5 days a week, reading scriptures for 10 minutes/day, saying morning prayers before 9 a.m. etc. It must also be a stretch from your current capacity. Please ask me if you have any ?'s about this.

µ FASTING ALLOWANCE:  On Days you fast, you’re welcome to make adjustments as necessary. It can be hard to eat and drink that much in 1/3 of the time! If you don’t consume any negative foods or eat after 9 and you’ve done your best to get all your healthy foods & fruits and veggies in, give yourself full food points for the day.   

µ Exercise Points:  This program is constantly being refined and adjusted in order to provide the optimum results. For each minute you exercise, you’ll get one point. The maximum amount of points possible is 150. You must exercise at least 3 times each week!  I realize that to lose weight, each of our bodies works differently. Figure out what works best for you & do that! I’m removing the time restriction, since I still think some movement is better than nothing; so if you’ve only got 5 – 10 minutes, use it!

µ FREE MEALS & FOODS: You get 5 free meals each round. Use them whenever you’d like! If you’re headed out of town you can save them up. Or strategically allot them for parties, special occasions, date night, etc. Or space them evenly over the 30 days. I don’t care when, or if, you use them. Just remember you only get 5. You also get 1 free food per week, totaling 5 for the competition.  FREE Meals and Foods can be consumed after 9 without a point loss.

µ FREE DAYS:  Fathers Day is the only technical holiday this round, and it is a FREE DAY. You also get 2 more  “floater” free days {to celebrate Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc.}. TOTAL FREE DAYS = 3. To clarify, a free day exempts you from negative food points. You must still earn your good food points, F&V, water, exercise, scripture points, etc. But you can eat after 9 on a free day & still get your “after 9 points.”

Winnings:            1st place – 65%                     2nd place – 35%
If your total score, before the bonus points for Health & Spiritual Goals are given, is within 10 points of the total amount possible, you will be eligible to get your $20 participation money returned to you!

Track points daily on point tracking sheets. I'll email the tracking sheets to all the participants once I've received your Goals. We will go from Wednesday morning to Tuesday evening each week.  Total your points and email or text them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams on the blog, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

Good Food Points – See F3R2 Food List post.  
Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. 
Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

Bad Food Points – See F3R2 Food List post. 
Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX!

Exercise Points – One point per minute, up to 150 points per week. Must exercise at least 3 times a week! 
Break it down however it works best for you.  

Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  There's a list of these on the blog. I’ll email 2 tasks & you pick 5, totaling 7.

After 9 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 9 p.m. You can still drink water after 9 without any point loss.

Water Points – Earn 10 points for drinking a minimum of 60 ounces of water every day. Your goal should be to drink ½ you weight in ounces. Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of water. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on. I know it’s a lot, but it really does help your body perform at it’s best!

5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! You must eat all 5 to get the points; it’s not 2 points per fruit or veggie. {It's recommended that you eat one apple per day, but just one.}

Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body. I'm assuming Heavenly Father likes to hear from us anytime. Pray twice a day. If that's morning/evening, afternoon/evening, morning/afternoon - that's fine. I think the Lord would rather hear from us several times during the day, regardless of the time of day. Also, aim for Personal Prayers, but if you occasionally need to count an awesome family prayer you gave or your prayers with your spouse, I'm chill with that. 5 points per prayer, 2 prayers per day, totaling 10 points per day.

Daily Scripture Study Points – All or none. If you read, you get your points. If you miss, you don’t. Easy Peasy. Duration, intensity and absorption are between you and the Lord. Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, Sharing Time & Primary lessons, Ensign, Conference Talks, etc. all count.

Illness Allowance – If you catch a stomach flu or seriously nasty head cold, let me know. If you’ve tried your best to get all your food and water points, without consuming any negative foods, we’ll work out an illness allowance.

Please let me know if you have ANY questions.

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