Sunday, May 26, 2013

Food Lists for F3R2

Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. Also, a note on sugar: Sugar is hard to avoid & it's everywhere! Try to choose the healthiest option available, but if there's some sugar in an item, don't stress. Reading labels is the best way to ensure the sweetener they've used is on the approved list. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Nuts; Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Walnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Filberts, etc.   Raw nuts are healthiest, be sure to check ingredients on any "roasted" or "dry roasted" types.  
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, Spelt, Sprouted grains, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits, including dried fruit {check the type of sugar used}
All vegetables except corn
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Cottage cheese
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Natural dark chocolate {look for a minimum of 60% cacao} - in moderation
Air popped popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, other nut butters – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, pumpkin muffins, bran muffins, etc.
Daily Vitamin, RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max.
A note regarding bad foods - you typically know what you're body doesn't respond well to. 
Add those items to this list. If you can make a healthy alternative to the bad food items, go ahead! Healthy treats are a good alternative and allow you to fulfill that sweet tooth without eating all the yucky fillers and garbage they add. If you find a healthy, yummy alternative - please share it with the rest of us!

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined White Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Cookies with sugar {refined white, HFCS, etc.}
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars 
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. Be wise about the amounts, but it’s still up to you.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Corn and Corn products
Natural tortilla chips, corn tortillas /other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc.
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc.
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.
Natural, No sugar added Frozen Yogurt (not sugar-free, as in sweetened with fake, chemical sugar)
94% fat free microwave popcorn

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