Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bonus Points: Each week there will be a task or 2 (think calendar tasks that aren't posted) that you can earn bonus points for. I'll most likely email these out, but I'll try to post them on the blog as well. 
This week you get 5 points each for:
* Getting me your $20 registration fee
* Emailing me your Fitness Goal

BONUS POINTS for Next week: 10 points for sending me a healthy recipe (that you haven't submitted before). I'll post them here on the blog so we can all enjoy them!

ALSO - Remember that each bad food is -4 points, instead of -2. Be wise. ;) 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

HHR3 Rules & Calendar Tasks

It looks like we'll be running an individual race this round. I have mixed feelings about this, cause teammates tend to help us make better choices. So... in an effort to help us be a little healthier, bad foods are going to be - 4 points each this round. Think twice before you eat that naughty food. Ha Ha.

Everyone needs to email or text me their goal for this round by Tuesday next. Be sure that it's a goal you have to work a little for, not just the easy road. If you can easily drop 6 pounds, shoot for 8. If you want to maintain your current weight, why not set your goal to LOSE an extra pound this holiday season. When you send me your goal, let me know if you want me to post everyone's goals online (to give more accountability) or keep them confidential. Your choice. 

I'll send out new tracking sheets with the adjustments in points, so watch your inbox for that. It has a tab for each week, with the last tab covering the last 9 days of the competition. 

I can't remember what info I posted and what I think I've posted. And I'm too tired to research it right now. So if you have ANY questions, please email or text me and I'll get you an answer ASAP.

Here's the list you get to choose from. You need to pick 4 for the first 3 weeks and 6 the last week. Be sure to pick your items early in the week; then write them down somewhere you'll remember. Each task can only be used once, with the exception of additional exercise and scripture points {which you can use every week, if you so desire}. I usually assigned items in the following categories: spiritual, service to others, personal pampering, etc. So try to pick different types, when possible.

* doorbell ditch an anonymous gift or treat for someone 
* thank your Bishop for all he's done this year
* try a new food you've never tasted
* give a food you don't think you like another try
* give your husband a back rub
* send a note, email, letter or call to a friend you haven't talked to in the last 6 months
* write secret notes & put them in your kids/husbands lunch
* wrap 7 Christmas presents
* go look at Christmas lights with your family
* sing 5 Christmas carols
* make a snowman with a child (if it ever snows. haha)
* watch someone else's kids so they can shop/wrap gifts
* play a game with your family
* read the Christmas story
* do something kind for a total stranger
* purge 10 Christmas decorations you don't use
* bake a new Christmas recipe or treat
* visit the Temple; do Temple-work, see the lights on Temple square, walk around the grounds, etc.
* write in your journal or baby books
* choose 3 new years resolutions and write them down, with a plan to accomplish them
* pamper yourself! get a massage, pedicure, foot soak, facial, etc. 
* share your testimony; mail it to a missionary, put it in your kids journals, bear it in Sacrament Meeting
* enjoy a yummy neighbor treat you receive 
* read your Scriptures/Ensign for an extra 15 minutes
* exercise for an extra 20 minutes (170 minutes instead of 150)
* floss your teeth
* make your bed or change your sheets
* read for 30 minutes
* take a nap!
* be in bed by 10 pm
* take a meal to a neighbor


HHR2 Winners

Sorry. Again.

Here's the totals from Healthy Holiday Round 2...

1st: Fight the Fat - 5978
2nd: kick-butt cousins - 5962
3rd: Sweet Potatoes - 5956
4th: Dark Chocolate Divas - 5930
5th: the Fruitcakes - 5881
6th: A&E - 5180
7th: Christmas Crazies - 4793

Congrats to everyone! The following gals get their $20 returned to them!

Cassie, & Erin, send me your addresses and I'll send you your $20. Denise & Jenn, I'm assuming you want me to keep your $$ for HHR3. Let me know if this is incorrect.
Thanks again for participating!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


 Round 2 ends this week, and HHR3 will begin a week from Wednesday, December 12th. It will run 30 days, ending on Friday January 11th.

Several of you have joined me for round after round. Others have recently started participating and others join us as able. Thank you! Having your support keeps me motivated and I really appreciate that. That said, somedays I grow weary of tracking points, reviewing my mental checklist and staying up late to make sure I've accomplished everything. And sometimes I just want to eat a treat. Sigh. Adding in the craziness of Christmas makes it even more tempting to "fall off the health wagon" so to speak. But I know that I lack the self control if I'm not tracking points, so I'm going to plug along. And I'm hoping many of you will join us in an effort to make better choices and stay a bit healthier this Christmas season. I know it's a crazy time of year. I know there's lots of yummy treats to tempt us. I know it's a challenge to stick with this. I wasn't going to change things, cause I feel like this program is finally fine-tuned. But, it is Christmas time after all. So here are the revisions for Healthy Holidays Round 3...

* Exercise points will be reduced to 150 points per week, with each minute equaling 1 minute. The last week (with 9 days) will have a total of 180 points possible.
* Scripture points will be reduced to a flat amount of 10 minutes per day = to 15 points
* Calendar Tasks: I'll post all the collected ideas for calendar tasks and you can pick your own. We'll reduce the number of tasks to 4 per week, and I'll still email/post 1 or 2 per week {such as: pick a team name, get me your $20, etc.}. This will make it easier on you and me. :) If you have any suggestions, please send them to me and I'll include them. 
* FREE Days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve & New Years Day will all be FREE days. You still get your floater FREE day.
* FREE Meals: 5 Free meals to be used at your discretion during the 30 days
* FREE Foods/Tastes: With all the yummy neighbor treats, parties and more to tempt us, everyone can also have 3 free foods per week! You can use them or not - you're choice. But if that neighbor treat looks sooo yummy - have some! Hopefully knowing you can taste some will let you eat it in moderation, as opposed to going crazy... Not that I would know anything about that. ahem. Or eating neighbor treats for breakfast. Anyways...
* Pounds Lost: I'm thinking of switching it up a little for this. I haven't decided for sure, but here are the 2 options I'm considering... 
1) Something along the lines of - Record your weight on day 1. Track your weight for the duration of the 30 days, and if you don't gain any weight, then you'll get your money back! This option would be more of a maintenance round, the goal would be to weigh the same or less, and if you achieve this, you'll get your $20 back! 
2) Or, we could do - Record your weight on day 1 & set a weight-related goal (lose 2 pounds, weigh the same or less on January 11th, etc.) Email me and your teammate your goal. On January 11th, let us know how you did. Those who reach their goal will get 25 or 50 bonus points (feedback would be appreciated on the point amount). There will be no points awarded for pounds lost; just personal satisfaction. Those within 15 points of the total amount of points will get their money back. Remainder of the money will be awarded as usual. 

If you're interested in joining us for HHR3, please email me your input & any calendar tasks or suggestions you may have. You have a few days to let me know if your interested; I just need to know by next Tuesday who's in. Thanks! 

Week 3 Results

Obviously, I'm struggling to keep up with everything in my life. So Sorry! Here are the results for last week...

This week we had a 4-way tie for first place!
Sweet Potatoes, the Fruitcakes, FTF & kick-butt cousins all had 1430 points
Dark Chocolate Divas - 1420
A&E -1310
Christmas Crazies - 1288

Way to go ladies! Remember to email/text me your points AND total pounds lost for the 30 days on Friday.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week 4 Calendar Tasks

Sorry gals! It's been go-go-go at my house & I apologize for the delay. We're on our last week! My, how the time flies. Also, it's time to start thinking about HH Round 3. Let me know if you're game for another round. Things will basically stay the same; maybe a few minor food list changes and I'm going to have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day all be FREE days! You'll still get your 5 Free Meals as well + your floating FREE day. We're starting on December 12th and ending on January 11th. Who's with me?!

And here's what you've all been waiting for . . . the 9 calendar tasks that will take us through the end of the competition.

* In honor of my teammate, cousin and friend, Krista, who is celebrating her 32nd Birthday on Monday, everyone can enjoy 3 FREE foods + 2 FREE "tastes"
* Wish Krista a Happy Birthday (via text, email, in person, card, etc.) on or before December 3rd
* Pamper those feet! Get a pedicure, paint your toes, soak your tootsies, get a foot rub, etc.
* Work on a Christmas Project (buy/make a gift, order your Christmas cards, make cookies, etc.)
* Complete a Christmas project (mail your Christmas cards, wrap a gift, deliver neighbor gifts, etc.)
* Surprise a family member by doing one of their chores (ie: your hubby takes out/brings back the trash cans to/from the curb, so you do it for him)
* Watch a Holiday movie with your family/hubby/kids/grandkids etc.
* Make your bed
* Spend 30 minutes relaxing! Nap, read, take a bath or sit quietly in a glassy-eyed stupor and think about nothing...  Your Choice!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Week 2 Results

Hope everyone's had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Here are the results for week 2

Once again, we've got a 3 way tie for first place:
kick-butt cousins, FTF & Sweet Potatoes all came in at 1380
Dark Chocolate Divas - 1378
the Fruitcakes - 1375
Christmas Crazies - 1332
A&E - 1195

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 3 Calendar Tasks

Be sure to email or text me the total number of pounds you've lost in the last 2 weeks. Results will be posted Wednesday afternoon.

We're going to switch things up a little this week! Thanksgiving is a FREE day, so enjoy your holiday. However, as this is a day we tend to eat ourselves silly {and maybe sick} I'm offering this little incentive to help counteract the damage we might inflict upon our waistlines...

**BONUS POINTS**  If you exercise for 25 minutes or longer on Thanksgiving, give yourself 25 bonus points {this is an all or none bonus}. Getting your heart pumping and your muscles working will help your body use up those extra calories, as opposed to storing them for later food storage. :)  This can be time at the gym, a walk after you eat all that delicious pie, some time doing yoga - whatever you'd like. As this is a BONUS, there isn't a spot on the tracking sheet, so just tack it on there somewhere. You CAN count the minutes from this day towards your total for the week. Also, it's not mandatory. If you can't or choose not to work out on Thursday, don't stress about it.

Ever want to just taste something? It looks so yummy... but is it worth 2 points? Or a free meal? Or, like me, do you eat it all, even after you're full, because it's costing you those 2 points? Or it's part of your free meal, so you don't want to waste it? With that in mind, here's the calendar tasks for this week...

* Express Gratitude to 7 people who are important to you
* Write down or vocalize your gratitude for 10 blessings in your life
* Do an act of service for someone {maybe wash the dishes for a tired T-day hostess, serve at a soup kitchen, rake leaves for an overworked neighbor, etc.}
* 5 free tastes. You can sample 5 different items, 1-5 bites of a super delicious item, or anything in between. Keep your "taste" to a reasonable portion though.
* Make your Christmas List & give it to your hubby. Or your mom.
* Make a shopping or to-make list for the people on your "to get Christmas gifts for" list.
* Buy or make a gift for at least one person on your list.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 1 Results

Congrats on a great first week ladies! We actually ended up with a 3-way tie for 1st place. Looks to be another competitive round. :)

FTF {Jen & Leslie are fighting the fat} - 1380
kick-butt cousins {Krista & Erica} - 1380
Sweet Potatoes {Erin & Cassie} - 1380
DCD {Dark Chocolate Divas Denise & Amy} - 1371
Christmas Crazies (Emily & Kristen} - 1328
the Fruitcakes {Jenn & Suzanne} - 1328
A & E {Andrea & Emilia } - 1130 

Remember that next week you'll send me your points & your total pounds lost for the first 2 weeks. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week 2 Calendar Tasks

* Watch a movie
* Spend 30 minutes working on a hobby
* Organize something; a cupboard, shelf, drawer, closet, etc.
* Mop the floor in any room of your house
* Enjoy a free food {can be a dessert, beverage, side dish, etc - but just 1 item}
* Make a healthy recipe posted on the blog {that you haven't tried} & leave a comment
* Write & deliver/mail a letter {to a missionary, Santa, friend, child, etc}

Erica's Apple Pie Baked Oatmeal

Like Jenn, I realized I also don't have a great selection of healthy holiday recipes. I'm working on that. Until then, here's another baked oatmeal recipe from one of my favorite food blogs - budget bytes.
I love oatmeal. I love apples. I love apple pie. I love a healthy, filling breakfast... Ta da!

Total Recipe cost: $4.76 
Servings Per Recipe: 8 
Cost per serving: $0.60 
Prep time: 15 min. Cook time: 45 min. Total: 1 hr. 
2 mediumapples$1.81
1 Tbsplemon juice$0.06
2 Tbspbrown sugar$0.04
1 Tbspcorn starch$0.06
1/2 tspcinnamon$0.03
1/8 tspground cloves$0.02
2 largeeggs$0.50
1.5 cupsunsweetened applesauce$0.93
1 tspvanilla extract$0.28
1 tspsalt$0.05
1 tspbaking powder$0.04
1 tspcinnamon$0.05
1/4 cupbrown sugar$0.08
1.5 cupsmilk$0.38
2.5 cupsold-fashioned rolled oats$0.43

STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut the apples into cubes. Place them in a bowl along with the lemon juice, corn starch, 2 Tbsp brown sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1/8 tsp ground cloves. Toss to coat. Place the seasoned apples in the bottom of an 8x8 inch casserole dish that has been coated with non-stick spray. 

STEP 2: In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, apple sauce, vanilla, salt, baking powder, 1/4 cup brown sugar, and 1 tsp cinnamon. Add the milk and whisk again. Finally, stir in the dry oats. Pour this mixture over the chopped apples in the casserole dish.

STEP 3: Bake the oatmeal for 45 minutes at 375 degrees or until the top is light golden brown and no longer wet in the center. Cut into eight pieces and serve or refrigerate until ready to eat. 

Emily's Low-fat Quiche

Quiche is my go to healthy dinner recipe when I haven't thawed any meat, or put much thought into dinner.  Quiche for dinner, you say?  We love it with a salad and fruit.  Lots of veggies and protein:)

Basic Low Fat Quiche Mixture – this, along with your additives will fill a 9” pie pan or quiche dish.  Do not use the quiche pan with the removable bottom as there is no crust and the liquids will leak out.  You don’t want to have to clean up that mess!
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup low fat yogurt
3 eggs
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt, depending upon other ingredients
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon pepper
(I add 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/4 cup wheat flour to this)


2 to 3 cups vegetables and/or meat such as cooked chicken, bacon, ham, etc.
(I usually do zuchinni, mushroom, onion, spinach- or whatever else I have around)
4 ounces cheese such as cheddar, swiss, pepperjack, provolone, feta, gouda, grated- if it is a salty cheese may use less salt
(usually do feta, and cheddar)
1 to 3 tablespoons of fresh herb or herb mixture such as parsley, basil, etc. (half this if using dry herbs), optional
(I usually add 1 tbsp parsley and some cilantro)

Bake at 350 for 40 - 50 minutes

Hope you enjoy

Jenn's Roasted Brussel Sprouts

After one of the tasks last month, i realized that i didn't have a single healthy recipe for the holidays, so i've been searching.  here is a great side dish that even my kids liked!
here's the link  if you'd like to see a picture:
Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Cranberries with Barley

  • 1 pound Brussels sprouts, tips cut off, discolored leaves removed and sliced in half (smaller sprouts are better than large sprouts)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt
  • 2/3 cup fresh cranberries (or 1/3 cup dried cranberries)
  • 1/3 cup crumbled Gorgonzola or goat cheese
  • 1/3 cup freshly toasted pecans
  • 1 1/2 cups cooked barley, reheated (see instructions above)
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup, or more to taste
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, or more to taste
  1. Preheat your broiler.
  2. Set a 12-inch cast iron skillet over medium-high heat on the stove. Let it heat up for two to three minutes. It should be so hot that a few drops of water sizzle and quickly disappear after contact.
  3. In a medium sized bowl, toss the prepared Brussels sprouts with olive oil and salt. Toss well, so that the sprouts are evenly coated in a thin layer of oil.
  4. Once the pan is hot, dump the sprouts into the pan and quickly rearrange them so the flat sides are face down. Let them cook for two minutes.
  5. Toss the fresh cranberries into the pan and transfer the pan to your broiler. The pan will be heavy and hot so use oven mitts and be careful! Let the Brussels broil for about three minutes. Check the sprouts for doneness—their tops should be a little browned and the bottoms caramelized. How long you should leave them in there depends on your preferences and your oven. The cranberries should have started popping by now; set the hot pan on your stovetop for a couple of minutes while you reheat the barley.
  6. Toss the warm barley, sprouts, cranberries, cheese and pecans in a bowl and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and maple syrup. Season with salt, divide into smaller bowls, and enjoy!

Kristen's Lentils and Rice

This has been a long staple in my house.  

Lentils and Rice

1 cup Lentils
1 cup Brown Rice
1/2 cup butter
1 small onion
1 tsp. cumin
Broth (vegetable or chicken)

Pitas (whole wheat-I have a great recipe for this is you want it to)
Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers)

Saute the onions and the lentils in the butter.  Add 4-5 cups broth.  Cook 4o minutes or until the water is absorbed.  Serve in pitas with lemon juice squeezed on top.  I always accompany it with vegis and hummus on the side.  I also like mine with tomato slices.  

If I am looking to cut the carbs I double the lentils and eat it without the pita.  

I hope you enjoy.  Super fast and easy and my kids LOVE it!!  

Leslie's Sweet Snack - Fruit & Yogurt

When I'm craving something sweet I like to cut up fresh fruit and mix it with greek yogurt  it's fast and taste yummy   sorry so simple but that's what I do with my busy life 

Suzanne's Moist Chocolate Cake

 Moist Chocolate Cake from Quinoa the everyday superfood

2/3 c. white or golden quinoa
1 1/3 c. water
1/3 c. milk
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup butter, melted and cooled
1 1/2 c. raw sugar or sugar substitute
1 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

bring the quinoa and water to a boil in a medium saucepan.  cover, reduce to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. turn off the heat and leave the covered saucepan on the burner for another 10 minutes.  fluff with a fork and allow the quinoa to cool.

preheat the over to 350 degrees.  lightly grease two 8-inch round or square cake pans.  line the bottoms of the pans with parchment paper.

combine the milk, eggs and vanilla in a blender or food processor.  add 2 cups of cooked quinoa and the butter and continue to blend until smooth.

whisk together the sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl.  add the contents of the blender and mix well. divide the batter evenly between the 2 pans and bake on the center oven rack for 40-45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.  remove the cake from the oven and cool completely in the pan before serving.  frost if desired.

store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 1 month.

Cassie's Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

*2 /1/2 cup oats (old fashioned kind, not quick cooking)

*3/4c plain low fat greek yogurt- or all natural yogurt ( I used vanilla and it tasted fine)

*2 eggs

*3/4 cup organic sugar or 2 tbs stevia sweetener

*1 1/2 tsp baking powder

*1/2 tsp baking soda

* 1 tsp cinnamon

*  1 1/2 c pumpkin puree 

* I added a little bit of chopped natural dark chocolate

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray tin with non-stick cooking spray or line 12 muffin tins with silicone or foil liners, (the muffins will stick to paper liners).
2. Place all of the ingredients, in a blender or food processor, and blend until oats are smooth. *Important: put eggs and pumpkin in the blender first*
3. Divide batter and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.

Yield: 24 mini muffins or 12 normal sized muffins

Amy's Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Soup
1 large butternut squash
1 medium head of garlic cloves, separated and unpeeled
1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c water
2 medium  onions, finely chopped
1 qt chicken stock
1/2 t salt
1/2 t white pepper

Slice squash, remove pulp, peel off outside, cut flesh into 1-inch thick slices.  In roasting pan, combine squash and garlic, drizzle 2 tablespoons olive oil toss together so that all is well coated.  Roast at 350 degrees until garlic cloves carmelize, approx. 50-60 minutes.  In a separate skillet, carmelize onions with remaining olive oil, approx 20 minutes.  After garlic and squash have cooled for a few minutes, peel outside skin of garlic.  Puree onions, garlic and squash in a food processor until very smooth.  Pour squash into large saucepan, add stock, salt and pepper, bring to a simmer.  Taste for seasoning.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Krista's Mango Salsa

Mango Salsa
1-2 Mango's-peeled, seeded, and diced
1 avocado- diced
4 medium tomatoes-diced
1 jalapeno pepper- diced
1/4cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp lime juice
3 Tbsp olive oil (opt)

Combine all ingredients and allow to sit in refrigerator for at least 30 mins for flavors to blend. Enjoy!!

Denise's Zucchini Pizza

Yum....I want this right now! No special recipe, just used zucchini rectangles and covered with healthy(er) pizza toppings. I love the olive bar at Smith's for the artichokes, mushrooms, tomatoes, and garlic cloves. Go easy on the cheese. I rubbed olive oil on bottom and cooked on my grill outside, but could do in oven.

Jen's Healthy Peanut Butter Cups

This recipe is SUPER yummy!  Sometimes I need something sweet, but I don't want to take a 2 point loss OR use my free meal, so I will resort to one of these.  They are completely letgit on this challenge but they are NOT LOW FAT! They are however full of great things.

"Healthy" Peanut Butter Cups

Nut Mixture

1/4 C Organic Peanut Butter
1/2 C Almond Butter (Make your own by putting almonds in a food processor)
1 tsp Vanilla
1/4 C Coconut Oil
1/3 C Chopped nuts

In a food processor, combine all ingredients until well blended.  Pour or drop (my consistency is always different) into muffin tins.  (This makes about 12-18 large ones, depending on how thick you make the.  I like them thinner because they are VERY rich)  If they are thick, flatten them down.  Place the muffin tins in the freezer.

Chocolate Topping (This makes too much topping I think.  I just kind of combine the ingredients to make a smaller amount)

3/4 C Cocoa Powder
1/4 C Honey
1 C Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

Combine in a bowl and place bowl into another bowl of VERY HOT water.  Mix briskly with a wire whisk.  ell.  Pour over the peanut butter mixture in the tins.  Return to the freezer and freeze for 30+ minutes.  Remove from muffin tins and place in a ziplock bag.  

These MUST be stored in the freezer.  You eat them frozen.  They are delicious, but the chocolate topping is SO rich.  You really might like to cut down the recipe and just do a very thin layer.  


Erin's Peanut Butter Banana Shake

i liked jen's idea of sharing something sweet that won't cost you any points if eaten, so here's my sweet snack that helps me when i have that "have to have some sugar NOW" feeling. it's super simple too, it's my peanut butter banana shake. just toss into your blender 1 cup 1% milk, 1 TBSP natural peanut butter and 1-2 frozen bananas and blend. pour into a cup, stick a straw in and you can sip on that while you give your kids those chocolate chip cookies you just made that you can't eat :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Healthy Holidays Round 2 Teams

I apologize for the delay. Things around my place have been non-stop craziness! But I finally managed to sort the odd number of participants & organize the teams. Yay! Teams were randomly drawn {courtesy of my sweet hubby} to help ensure the fairest results. And here they are . . .

Team 1: Jen & Leslie
Team 2: Krista & Erica
Team 3: Denise & Amy
Team 4: Andrea & Emilia
Team 5: Erin & Cassie
Team 6: Jenn & Suzanne
Team 7: Emily & Kristen

Be sure to get in touch with your teammate & get me your team name by Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Healthy Holidays Round 2 Calendar Tasks - Week 1

Here are the first 7 calendar tasks...

* Enjoy a free dessert
* Sing a Primary song with a child
* Get me your $20 participation fee
* Choose a team name and email or text it to me
* Email the group a healthy recipe {different than you've shared before}
* Do an anonymous act of service for your spouse
* For 1 prayer, don't ask for anything; just express Gratitude to your Heavenly Father

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Healthy Holidays Round 2

Healthy Holidays!
A simple plan to balance physical, emotional and spiritual health during the hectic, but
should-be-a-peaceful-and-spiritual time of year. 
Oh, and to keep from gaining those pesky holiday pounds.

Info, Intro & Rules
Want to stay fit and healthy this Holiday Season? Then join me for  a Healthy Holiday! Healthy Holidays rounds last approximately 30 days each. There are 5 days “off” between each round. Entry fee for each session is $20.
Session 1 – Completed
Session 2 – Wednesday November 7th – Friday December 7th
Session 3 – Wednesday December 12th – Friday January 11th

µ Each session begins on a Wednesday morning, so be sure to weigh-in and record your weight. All sessions end on a Friday morning; weigh-in in the a.m. then text or email me your points and total weight lost & you’re done.  You are welcome to participate in one, two or all three rounds. These sessions are purposely planned to last during holidays. Actual Holidays will still be FREE days, so don’t worry about missing out on the yummy holiday fare. But if you’re like me and sometimes extend holidays a day or five, this can really help! Total points need to be emailed or texted to Erica every Wednesday by 2 pm, except the last week, which will be on Friday. Calendar tasks will be posted on the blog: funandfitinfive.blogspot.com by Tuesday evening. Results will be posted by Wednesday evening.

µ We’ll stick with teams of two {unless we have an odd number of participants}, randomly drawn, with each team selecting a team name {in the name of fairness, we’ll mix up the teams each round}. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 9 P.M. points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, personal prayer points and personal scripture study points.

µ Weigh-in’s for Round 1: Weigh yourself on Wednesday morning {11/7} and record your weight. Then we’ll weigh in again on Wednesday morning, November 21st. Text or email me your total number of pounds lost so far. Now weigh in for the final time on December 7th.  Email or text me the total number of pounds you’ve lost. “Bonus Points” will be assigned at the end of the competition. Nobody will know how the competition is faring, weight wise. My reason for doing it this way is the hope that everyone will stay motivated. Remember this will be a team effort. Please use your best judgment & remember that we use the Honor System. Round 3 dates will be posted just before the start of that round.

µ FASTING ALLOWANCE  On Days you fast, you’re welcome to make adjustments as necessary. It can be hard to eat and drink that much in 1/3 of the time! If you don’t consume any negative foods or eat after 9 and you’ve done your best to get all your healthy foods & fruits and veggies in, give youself full food points for the day.   

µ Exercise Points  This program is constantly being refined and adjusted in order to provide the optimum results. For each minute you exercise, you’ll get one point. The maximum amount of points possible is 200. You must exercise at least 3 times each week, and a minimum of 15 minutes at a time! Realize that to lose weight, you’ll need to exercise 5-6 days each week. 3 days a week will only help you maintain your current weight. I’m hoping this will provide additional flexibility to those of us with busy lives. Oh, wait, that’s all of us!

µ FREE MEAL  You get 5 free meals each round. Use them whenever you’d like! If you’re headed out of town you can save them up. Or strategically allot them for parties, special occasions, date night, etc. Or space them evenly over the 30 days. I don’t care when, or if, you use them. Just remember you only get 5.

µ FREE DAY  Thanksgiving is a FREE DAY; go to town if you want. You also get another “floater” free day. To clarify, a free day exempts you from negative food points. You must still earn your good food points, F&V, water, exercise, scripture points, etc. But you can eat after 9 on a free day & still get your “after 9 points.”

µ Winnings:            1st place – 65%                     2nd place – 35%
If your total score, before the “bonus” weight loss points, is within 10 points of the total amount possible, you will be eligible to get your $20 participation money returned to you!

µ Track points daily on point tracking sheets.  We will go from Wednesday morning to Tuesday evening each week.  Total your points and email or text them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams on the blog, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

µ Good Food Points – See list below.  Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

µ Bad Food Points – See list below.  Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX! L

µ Exercise Points – One point per minute, up to 200 points per week. Must exercise at least 3 times a week! But break it down however it works best for you. Remember to exercise in chunks of at least 15 minutes.

µ Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  Check the Blog for these.

µ After 9 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 9 p.m. You can still drink water after 9 without any point loss.

µ Water Points – Earn 10 points for drinking a minimum of 60 ounces of water every day. Your goal should be to drink ½ you weight in ounces. Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of water. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on. I know it’s a lot, but it really does help your body perform at it’s best!

µ 5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! You must eat all 5 to get the points; it’s not 2 points per fruit or veggie. {You’ll lose more weight if one is an apple, regardless of size. But let only one be an apple}

µ Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body.  5 points for morning prayers & 5 points for evening prayers.  {Family, dinner prayer or Sacrament prayers not included, it has to be personal!}

µ Daily Scripture Study Points – 10-15 min =  10 points, 16-21 min =15 points , 22+ minutes = 20 points. Bible, Book of Mormon, Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, Ensign, Confrence Talks, etc. all count.

µ Illness Allowance – If you catch a stomache flu or seriously nasty head cold, let me know. If you’ve tried your best to get all your food and water points, without consuming any negative foods, we’ll work out an illnes allowance.


Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, Spelt, Sprouted grains, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits
All vegetables except corn
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Tuna (packed in water)
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Non fat or 1% cottage cheese
String cheese, Part-Skim Mozarella
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Air popped popcorn or 94% fat free microwave popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Low sodium soups
Daily Vitamin, RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max.

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Any cookie with sugar
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars such as granola bars, Cliff bars, Pop Tarts
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

 Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. They should be used sparingly.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Natural tortilla chips/other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc. {just a small serving}
Natural dark chocolate; verify if a sweetener is used, it’s on the approved list.
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, bran muffins, etc. To be consumed in moderation.
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc. that are used sparingly!!
Sugar free gum
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.