Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 3 Calendar Tasks

Be sure to email or text me the total number of pounds you've lost in the last 2 weeks. Results will be posted Wednesday afternoon.

We're going to switch things up a little this week! Thanksgiving is a FREE day, so enjoy your holiday. However, as this is a day we tend to eat ourselves silly {and maybe sick} I'm offering this little incentive to help counteract the damage we might inflict upon our waistlines...

**BONUS POINTS**  If you exercise for 25 minutes or longer on Thanksgiving, give yourself 25 bonus points {this is an all or none bonus}. Getting your heart pumping and your muscles working will help your body use up those extra calories, as opposed to storing them for later food storage. :)  This can be time at the gym, a walk after you eat all that delicious pie, some time doing yoga - whatever you'd like. As this is a BONUS, there isn't a spot on the tracking sheet, so just tack it on there somewhere. You CAN count the minutes from this day towards your total for the week. Also, it's not mandatory. If you can't or choose not to work out on Thursday, don't stress about it.

Ever want to just taste something? It looks so yummy... but is it worth 2 points? Or a free meal? Or, like me, do you eat it all, even after you're full, because it's costing you those 2 points? Or it's part of your free meal, so you don't want to waste it? With that in mind, here's the calendar tasks for this week...

* Express Gratitude to 7 people who are important to you
* Write down or vocalize your gratitude for 10 blessings in your life
* Do an act of service for someone {maybe wash the dishes for a tired T-day hostess, serve at a soup kitchen, rake leaves for an overworked neighbor, etc.}
* 5 free tastes. You can sample 5 different items, 1-5 bites of a super delicious item, or anything in between. Keep your "taste" to a reasonable portion though.
* Make your Christmas List & give it to your hubby. Or your mom.
* Make a shopping or to-make list for the people on your "to get Christmas gifts for" list.
* Buy or make a gift for at least one person on your list.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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