Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week 4 Calendar Tasks

Sorry gals! It's been go-go-go at my house & I apologize for the delay. We're on our last week! My, how the time flies. Also, it's time to start thinking about HH Round 3. Let me know if you're game for another round. Things will basically stay the same; maybe a few minor food list changes and I'm going to have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day all be FREE days! You'll still get your 5 Free Meals as well + your floating FREE day. We're starting on December 12th and ending on January 11th. Who's with me?!

And here's what you've all been waiting for . . . the 9 calendar tasks that will take us through the end of the competition.

* In honor of my teammate, cousin and friend, Krista, who is celebrating her 32nd Birthday on Monday, everyone can enjoy 3 FREE foods + 2 FREE "tastes"
* Wish Krista a Happy Birthday (via text, email, in person, card, etc.) on or before December 3rd
* Pamper those feet! Get a pedicure, paint your toes, soak your tootsies, get a foot rub, etc.
* Work on a Christmas Project (buy/make a gift, order your Christmas cards, make cookies, etc.)
* Complete a Christmas project (mail your Christmas cards, wrap a gift, deliver neighbor gifts, etc.)
* Surprise a family member by doing one of their chores (ie: your hubby takes out/brings back the trash cans to/from the curb, so you do it for him)
* Watch a Holiday movie with your family/hubby/kids/grandkids etc.
* Make your bed
* Spend 30 minutes relaxing! Nap, read, take a bath or sit quietly in a glassy-eyed stupor and think about nothing...  Your Choice!

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