Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fun & Fit in 5 Returns!


It's been a few weeks now since Healthy Holidays concluded. As much as I've enjoyed the time off {me, not my waistline}, things around here are getting pretty ugly. That whole "motivated by points" is such an unfortunate curse of a blessing. Sigh. Although my fall from the healthy bandwagon has been great, I'm still dragging my feet about jumping back into another competition. But 6 {yes, six!} bags of cinnamon jelly hearts later, I know what must be done.

Fun & Fit in 5 Returns will commence on March 12th! With my family situation being what it is, we're waiting until then. Sorry for the delay, but thank you for your kindness and understanding. We'll still run for 5 weeks, ending on April 16th.

A brief overview of this round:

*There will be NO weight loss points! 
Each participant will pick a personal health goal {that is a stretch from their current-health state} and submit it to their teammate and me. If you reach your goal, you'll get the "goal" points {I'm thinking 25 points}. If you don't - you won't. Your goal must be trackable; i.e. lose xx amount of pounds, work out 60 minutes/day 5 days/week, lose 2% body fat, etc. It must also require more effort than you are currently giving - it MUST stretch you beyond your current capacity!
***This is a pilot program to see if this is a better option than straight weight loss points. It fits with the overall idea that this is a healthy lifestyle program {and weight loss is a bonus}, not just a weight loss program. Feedback is encouraged and appreciated!***

*Free Days, Meals & Foods
Everyone gets their Free Floater Day to be used at your discretion anytime during the competition. Also, we'll all celebrate St Patricks Day & Easter via a Free Day! There will be 5 free meals for the duration. Each week you can also have 1 free food. I loved that about the Christmas Round and am not ready to give it up yet. :)

*Calendar Tasks
I also liked posting the Calendar tasks and letting people pick what worked for them. I'm going to do a hybrid this round: I'll post a list of tasks (please email me any task ideas you have) here on the blog. Then I'll email 2 specific tasks each week and you pick 5 you want to do, totaling 7 tasks per week. I think this will be a good combo approach.

Stays the same - we'll amp it back up to 200 points per week: each point = 1 minute. Minimum of 3 days is required.

*Prayer points
I'm going to be a little more lenient, as I'm assuming Heavenly Father likes to hear from us anytime. Pray twice a day. If that's morning/evening, afternoon/evening, morning/afternoon - that's fine. I think the Lord would rather hear from us several times during the day, regardless of the time of day. Also, aim for Personal Prayers, but if you occasionally need to count an awesome family prayer you gave or your prayers with your spouse, I'm chill with that.

*Scripture Points
Scriptures will be an all or none point-item this round. Either you read {and earn your points} or you don't {and don't}. Easy peasy. Duration, intensity, study, absorption etc. is between you and the Lord.

*Teams this round! 2 or 3, depending on # of participants.

*Entry Fee & Winnings: $20 participation fee. Perfect scores to 10 points loss (prior to goal points) gets their $20 back. Rest of the $$ is split between teams coming in 1st & 2nd places.

*Miscellaneous: We're getting serious this round (cringe) and running for 5 weeks. F3R concludes on April 16th (weigh in that morning, point tracking ends Monday night April 15th). Weeks will run from Tuesdays to Mondays, and points need to be submitted by Tuesday at 2 p.m.. I'd still advise weighing in on Tuesday mornings (especially if your goal is weight related) and tracking your progress. I'll send tracking sheets out to all participants by the 11th, along with team assignments and the information packet for this round.

If you haven't participated before, let me know and I'll get you the more complete info packet.

 I need to know by 10 p.m. on the 10th if you are IN. Submitting your health goal is your commitment. 

I feel so out of the groove - have I forgotten anything?

Questions, comments, feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated and accepted until March 8th. After that, they'll have to wait until the next round... :)

1 comment:

  1. hurray! i'm so ready to be healthy again! and i like the changes.
