Sunday, June 24, 2012

F Cubed Info & Intro

Like everything in life, you'll get out of Fun & Fit in 5 what you put into it!

The Fun & Fit in Five Program {F3 or F cubed} will run for five weeks– beginning Wednesday June 27th and ending Wednesday August 1st {weigh-in in the am & you’re done}. Teams of two, with each team selecting a team name. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 9 P.M. minus points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, personal prayer points, personal scripture study points, and lost pound points.  Weigh-ins?  Weigh yourself at home every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning {mornings usually have the lowest number J }. We’ll use the Honor System of course! 

The weeks will run from Wednesday to Tuesday.  Total points need to be emailed to Erica every Wednesday by 2 pm. Calendar tasks & weekly updates will be posted on the blog: by Wednesday evening.

On Wednesday morning, June 27th, you’ll weigh yourself for your starting weight.  Lost pounds will be tracked starting the following Wednesday {or Tuesday night} on a weekly basis, through to the fifth week.  For each pound lost, ten points are earned.  In addition to lost pound points, eighty five more points can be earned per day by following all other opportunities for points. 
Remember this will be a team effort.  Please pass the word about this fun new program of health and happiness … the more people who know about it, the more teams there will be, and the more fun we will have!! 

To give us all a little more incentive & keep us committed, each participant
will ante-up $25 to put in the kitty.
The Winning teams will get the CASH!

1st place – 60%
2nd place – 30%
top individual {if not in top 2 teams} 10%
3rd place – 10%


µProgram runs for five weeks - Beginning Wed. June 27th & ending August 1st {this is just the weigh-in day}

µ Track points daily on point tracking sheets.  We will go from Wednesday morning to Tuesday evening each week.  Total your points and email them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

µ Good Food Points – See included sheet.  Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

µ Bad Food Points – See included sheet.  Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX! L

µ Exercise Points: 15-30 min. = 10 points, 31-45 min. = 15 points, 46-60 min. = 20 points, 20 points MAX per day.  Exercise can be done in segments (e.g. 15 min. in the morning, 15 min. after work, etc.). NO exercise points on Sundays. Total of 5 exercise days each week, so you can pick another day to have off.

µ Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  Check the Blog for these.

µAfter 9 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 9 p.m. {With Summer and all, I decided to push the time back a smidge, with late BBQ’s, Reunions and all}.You can still drink water after 9 without any point loss.

µWater Points – Earn 10 points for drinking water every day {56 oz. weeks 1 & 2, 64 oz. weeks 3 & 4}. For week 5 there will be a minimum of 64 oz, but the goal is to drink ½ you weight in ounces. If at any point you reach that goal, then stick with that number! No need to drown yourself.  Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of water. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on. I know it’s a lot, but it really does help your body perform at it’s best!

µ 5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! {You’ll lose more weight if one is an apple, doesn’t matter about the size.  Also, of the five, let only one be an apple}

µ Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body.  5 points for morning prayers & 5 points for evening prayers.  {Family, dinner prayer or Sacrament prayers not included, it has to be personal!}

µ Daily Scripture Study Points – 1-10 min = 5 points, 11-20 min = 10 points & 21-30 min = 15 points for daily scripture study.  Now’s the chance to do reading for next week’s Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, or for personal scripture study you’d like to do.

µ Weigh In – Weigh yourself at home at the end of every week {Tuesday night, or best – Wednesday a.m. as soon as you get up} and give yourself 10 points for every pound lost.  Give 5 points for a ½ pound! J

µ Total your points & email them to me by noon. Then check for the weekly results!

Don’t get confused by the exercise column on the tracking sheet. Since you get to choose your exercise “off day”, every day but Sunday has 20 points possible. But the total points for the week only includes 5 days worth of exercise points.


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