Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 2 Results

Alright ladies, I can see we've got some seriously competitive gals this round.

For the second week in a row, we've got another 6-way tie! Awfully glad now that I didn't give into those tempting little cinnamon Santa's…. Anywho, great job!

Had a question about Tastes. I'm big on the whole 'let your conscience be your guide' thing, being that I'm a pretty trusting gal (and my parents raised me with super high honesty/morals guidelines). Keeping in mind that this is not a free food, just use your judgement on what qualifies. For instance: while making toffee this week, I had to test each batch for crunch factor, but it was a little, bitty piece. And I did sample one small finished piece; I'm counting all of that as one Taste. Mind you, I didn't eat as many pieces as I wanted, or even a finished piece from each batch. But I'd like to be sure that my Christmas treats taste delish prior to delivering them to my neighbors and friends. Haha. So there's an example you can kinda gauge from.  Everyone gets 8 total Tastes for the 4 weeks.

Good luck on week three! Not that it looks like anyone really needs it, awesome as you all are!

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