Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Simply Stunning in Six Round 3 Calendar Tasks

* Get your $25 to Erica before Monday 
* Do a chore your husband (or other family member) usually does 
* Take a make-up holiday (one whole day without make-up)
* Make a handmade gift for someone 
* Play a game {board/dice/card, etc.} with someone in your family, or a friend 
* Craft or Sew for 30+ minutes 
* Clean out one drawer, cupboard, closet or space that you have been putting off doing 
* Work out with your kiddos (at least 1 of them) 
* Write in your journal
* Write in your kids babybooks / journal {If you do this for multiple kids, you can count it as a separate task each time} 
* Be to church 15 minutes early 
* Make a healthy recipe using pumpkin 
* Read 3 Conference talks from the Ensign 
* Finish a project you’ve been putting off 
* Do something to prepare for the Holidays 
* Make a list of 15 things you are thankful for 
* Do a silent act of service for someone 
* Send an encouraging note or text to your partner in the competition 
* Have a sleepover with your kids, all night 
* Go to the Temple 
* Plan a lesson, FHE or VT lesson in advance (not the day of) 
* Visit somewhere you’ve never been 
* Sing, play piano or another instrument or listen to uplifting music for 15+ minutes 
* Increase intensity on a workout 
* Drink 5 extra ounces of water 
* Stretch before and after a 30 minute workout 
* Get up early to pray in silence 
* Cuddle with a child 
* List 5 ways to reward yourself  besides with food 
* Do something physical outside 
* Meditate for 15 minutes 
* Compliment someone 
* Try a new fruit or veggie 
* Memorize a scripture 
* Do something active; walk, hike, racquetball, etc. on a date 
* Meditate for 15 minutes or longer 
* Organize a closet, drawer or cupboard 
* Write down 100 things you are grateful for 
* Tell each member of your immediate family 3 things you appreciate about them 
* Make a pumpkin, squash, or sweet potato food item 
* Spend 15 minutes in the sun, even if it's cold outside 
* Spend time reading a religious book or article(s) 
* Read Sunday lesson in advance 
* Lights out by 10 pm 
* Send a hand written card to a long distance friend or family member 
* Send a care package to a missionary or member of the military 
* Create something to display in your home 
* Do some early holiday shopping to avoid the December rush 
* Jump in a leaf pile 
* Put up a fall/thanksgiving decoration 
* Get together with a friend you haven't seen in awhile 
* Clean up/winterize your yard if you haven't yet 
* Try cooking with coconut oil 
* Clean out your fridge 
* Paint your nails 
* Help your neighbor rake up their leaves or shovel their walkways 
* Take a nap 
* Watch a holiday movie with your kids 
* Spend time with a friend 
* Have Family Home Evening; Lesson, Activity & Treat 
* Spend a day free from Facebook 
* Learn a new exercise 
* Do something special for myself 
* Do something extra for my a neighbor 
* Learn a new healthy recipe 
* Make your Bed 
* Change the sheets on a bed in your home 
* Establish an evening or morning routine – or both! 
* Work on your Christmas Cards – pick a card design, schedule pics, update your address list, etc. 
* Enjoy a FREE Fall treat – Carmel Apple, Pumpkin Pie, etc. 
* Floss your teeth 
* Wrap 5 Christmas Gifts 
* Plan out your Christmas Gift List 
* Mop the floor by hand 

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