Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 3 Results

Alright ladies, 3 weeks down and only 6 days to go! Can you believe how fast the time is going?

We've got a 5 way tie for first place this week with the following teams coming in with 1150 points:
Gratitude Gals, Brunette Bookworms, Bobsy Twins, Flying Solo & Born 2B Bad
Slim Sisters are close behind with 1146 points

Late breaking news: 10 bonus points for anyone who does some form of exercise tomorrow - weights, yoga, going for a walk, etc.  If you earn the bonus points, send me a quick text or email, and then add the 10 points to your total on Tuesday.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your Free day!

If you're interested in signing up for Round 4, please let me know ASAP. We'll begin Round 4 on Sunday December 8th and end at midnight on January 4th. Calendar tasks will remain at 5/week and exercise minutes will drop to 100/week.

I'm still working out all the FREE days, foods and meals. I don't want to be excessive, but it is Christmas. Feedback would be greatly appreciated on this. Thanks!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 2 Results

Alright ladies, I can see we've got some seriously competitive gals this round.

For the second week in a row, we've got another 6-way tie! Awfully glad now that I didn't give into those tempting little cinnamon Santa's…. Anywho, great job!

Had a question about Tastes. I'm big on the whole 'let your conscience be your guide' thing, being that I'm a pretty trusting gal (and my parents raised me with super high honesty/morals guidelines). Keeping in mind that this is not a free food, just use your judgement on what qualifies. For instance: while making toffee this week, I had to test each batch for crunch factor, but it was a little, bitty piece. And I did sample one small finished piece; I'm counting all of that as one Taste. Mind you, I didn't eat as many pieces as I wanted, or even a finished piece from each batch. But I'd like to be sure that my Christmas treats taste delish prior to delivering them to my neighbors and friends. Haha. So there's an example you can kinda gauge from.  Everyone gets 8 total Tastes for the 4 weeks.

Good luck on week three! Not that it looks like anyone really needs it, awesome as you all are!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 1 Results

Soo, this could be interesting. We've got a 6-way tie for First Place! Which I think is awesome, but doesn't bode well for the kitty.

Here are the teams:
Gratitude Gals {Denise & Erin}
Brunette Bookworms {Karin & Erica}
Bobsy Twins {Krista & Cassie}
Slim Sisters {Kim & Jana}
Flying Solo {Jen}
Born 2B Bad {Amy & Mindi}

Fantastic first week everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Simply Stunning in Six Round 3 Rules

Simply Stunning in Six!
A simple plan to balance physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Info, Intro & Rules
Ready to make a change, be it physically or spiritually? Tired of the backslide when you aren’t challenging yourself and the accountability diminishes? Welcome to Simply Stunning in Six! We are going to dedicate the next 6 months to taking better care of us! One month at a time. We’ll run for 4 weeks at a time.

Participation Fee is $25 per round {$5 goes toward my operating costs}. If you participate in all six rounds, I’ll wave the $5 on the last round. Please have your money to me before the end of week one.

R1 – September 8th – September 30th
R2 – October 6th – November 2nd
R3 – November 6th – December 3rd
R4 – December 8th – January 4th
R5 – January 8th – February 4th
R6 – February 9th – March 8th

µ S3 {cubed} R3 begins on the 6th of November. Once you’ve committed to joining, email or text me your 5 calendar tasks and your Spiritual & Fitness goals.
I’d still recommend weighing in, though there aren’t weight loss points this round.  Weeks will run from Wednesday mornings to Tuesday nights. Be sure to text or email me your points every Wednesday by 2 p.m. Total points need to be emailed or texted to Erica by Wednesday December 4th. Weekly results will be posted at by Wednesday evening.

µ We’ll stick with teams of two, with each team selecting a team name. You’re welcome to bring your own teammate or have one assigned to you. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 10 P.M. points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, Joy list, personal prayer points and personal scripture study points.

µ Personal Goals: This round there will be no weight loss points. Each participant needs to pick one physical goal and one spiritual goal, then email them to me {and your teammate} by November 10th. Your goal must be measurable! Pounds lost, % body fat reduction, drinking xx ounces of water by noon, exercising 5 days a week, reading scriptures for 10 minutes/day, saying morning prayers before 9 a.m., being in bed by 10:30, etc. It must also be a stretch from your current capacity. Please ask me if you have any ?'s about this.

µ FASTING ALLOWANCE:  On Days you fast, you’re welcome to make adjustments as necessary. It can be hard to eat and drink that much in 1/3 of the time! If you don’t consume any negative foods or eat after 9 and you’ve done your best to get all your healthy foods & fruits and veggies in, give yourself full food points for the day.   

µ Exercise Points:  This program is constantly being refined and adjusted in order to provide the optimum results. For each minute you exercise, you’ll get one point. The maximum amount of points possible is 120. You must exercise at least 3 times each week!  I realize that to lose weight, each of our bodies works differently. Figure out what works best for you & do that! I’m removing the time restriction, since I still think some movement is better than nothing; so if you’ve only got 5 – 10 minutes, use it!

µ FREE DAYS , MEALS and “Two Bites”: Thanksgiving is a FREE day, and you also get an additional free day,  2 free meals, 2 free foods and 2 free bites this round. Use them whenever you’d like! I don’t care when, or if, you use them.  
FREE Days, Meals, Foods & Tastes can be consumed after 10 without a point loss. To clarify, a free day exempts you from negative food points. You must still earn your good food points, F&V, water, exercise, scripture points, etc. But you can eat after 10 on a free day & still get your “after 10 points.”

Winnings:            1st place – 65%                     2nd place – 35%
If your total score, before the bonus points for Physical & Spiritual Goals are given, is within 10 points of the total amount possible, you will get your $20 participation money returned to you!

Track points daily on point tracking sheets. I'll email the tracking sheets to all the participants. We will go from Wednesday morning to Tuesday evening each week.  Total your points and email or text them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams on the blog, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

Good Food Points – See Food List post on the blog.  Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

Bad Food Points – See  Food List post. Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX!

Exercise Points – One point per minute, up to 120 points per week. Must exercise at least 3 times a week! But break it down however it works best for you.  
Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  These will all be listed of on the blog, so check there. Pick all 5 tasks from the blog for each week.

After 10 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 10 p.m. You can still drink water after 10 without any point loss.

Water Points – Earn 10 points for drinking a minimum of 35 ounces of water every day. Your goal should be to drink ½ you weight in ounces. Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of fluid. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on.

5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! You get 2 points per fruit or veggie, and you don’t have to eat all 5 to get your points. {You’ll lose more weight if one is an apple, regardless of size. But just one.}

 Joy List - Create a list of at least 5 things that bring you JOY! I think it’s important that we purposely do something kind for ourselves regularly {ideas are: Reading, taking a bath, going out w/girlfriends, snuggling w/kiddos, going on a date with hubby, going to the Symphony, getting a pedicure, fresh cut flowers, taking a nap, etc.}  If your Joy List involves a food item, you’re welcome to use a Free food/taste, but it’s not a Freebie, just cause it’s on your list. ;)  This list can be added to at any time, but needs to be started by Thursday. 10 points per week for accomplishing one item from this list. 

  Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body. I'm assuming Heavenly Father likes to hear from us anytime. Pray twice a day. If that's morning/evening, afternoon/evening, morning/afternoon - that's fine. I think the Lord would rather hear from us several times during the day, regardless of the time. Also, aim for Personal Prayers, but if you need to count a family prayer you gave or your prayers with your spouse, I'm chill with that. 5 points per prayer, 2 prayers per day, totaling 10 points per day.

Daily Scripture Study Points – All or none. If you read, you get your points. If you miss, you don’t. Easy Peasy. Duration, intensity and absorption are between you and the Lord. Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, Sharing Time & Primary lessons, Ensign, Conference Talks, etc. all count.

Illness Allowance – If you catch a stomach flu or seriously nasty head cold, let me know. If you’ve tried your best to get all your food and water points, without consuming any negative foods, we’ll work out an illness allowance.

Please let me know if you have ANY questions.

Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Nuts; Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Walnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Filberts, etc.   Raw nuts are healthiest, be sure to check ingredients on any "roasted" or "dry roasted" types.  
Flax Seed
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, Spelt, Sprouted grains, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits
All vegetables  
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Tuna (packed in water)
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Cottage cheese
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Air popped popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, bran muffins, etc.
Daily Vitamin, RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max.

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined White Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Any cookie with sugar
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars such as granola bars, Cliff bars, Pop Tarts
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

Simply Stunning in Six!
A simple plan to balance physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Info, Intro & Rules
Ready to make a change, be it physically or spiritually? Tired of the backslide when you aren’t challenging yourself and the accountability diminishes? Welcome to Simply Stunning in Six! We are going to dedicate the next 6 months to taking better care of us! One month at a time. We’ll run for 4 weeks at a time.

Participation Fee is $25 per round {$5 goes toward my operating costs}. If you participate in all six rounds, I’ll wave the $5 on the last round. Please have your money to me before the end of week one.

R1 – September 8th – September 30th
R2 – October 6th – November 2nd
R3 – November 6th – December 3rd
R4 – December 8th – January 4th
R5 – January 8th – February 4th
R6 – February 9th – March 8th

µ S3 {cubed} R3 begins on the 6th of November. Once you’ve committed to joining, email or text me your 5 calendar tasks and your Spiritual & Fitness goals.
I’d still recommend weighing in, though there aren’t weight loss points this round.  Weeks will run from Wednesday mornings to Tuesday nights. Be sure to text or email me your points every Wednesday by 2 p.m. Total points need to be emailed or texted to Erica by Wednesday December 4th. Weekly results will be posted at by Wednesday evening.

µ We’ll stick with teams of two, with each team selecting a team name. You’re welcome to bring your own teammate or have one assigned to you. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 10 P.M. points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, Joy list, personal prayer points and personal scripture study points.

µ Personal Goals: This round there will be no weight loss points. Each participant needs to pick one physical goal and one spiritual goal, then email them to me {and your teammate} by November 10th. Your goal must be measurable! Pounds lost, % body fat reduction, drinking xx ounces of water by noon, exercising 5 days a week, reading scriptures for 10 minutes/day, saying morning prayers before 9 a.m., being in bed by 10:30, etc. It must also be a stretch from your current capacity. Please ask me if you have any ?'s about this.

µ FASTING ALLOWANCE:  On Days you fast, you’re welcome to make adjustments as necessary. It can be hard to eat and drink that much in 1/3 of the time! If you don’t consume any negative foods or eat after 9 and you’ve done your best to get all your healthy foods & fruits and veggies in, give yourself full food points for the day.   

µ Exercise Points:  This program is constantly being refined and adjusted in order to provide the optimum results. For each minute you exercise, you’ll get one point. The maximum amount of points possible is 120. You must exercise at least 3 times each week!  I realize that to lose weight, each of our bodies works differently. Figure out what works best for you & do that! I’m removing the time restriction, since I still think some movement is better than nothing; so if you’ve only got 5 – 10 minutes, use it!

µ FREE DAYS , MEALS and “Two Bites”: Thanksgiving is a FREE day, and you also get an additional free day,  2 free meals, 2 free foods and 2 free bites this round. Use them whenever you’d like! I don’t care when, or if, you use them.  
FREE Days, Meals, Foods & Tastes can be consumed after 10 without a point loss. To clarify, a free day exempts you from negative food points. You must still earn your good food points, F&V, water, exercise, scripture points, etc. But you can eat after 10 on a free day & still get your “after 10 points.”

Winnings:            1st place – 65%                     2nd place – 35%
If your total score, before the bonus points for Physical & Spiritual Goals are given, is within 10 points of the total amount possible, you will get your $20 participation money returned to you!

Track points daily on point tracking sheets. I'll email the tracking sheets to all the participants. We will go from Wednesday morning to Tuesday evening each week.  Total your points and email or text them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams on the blog, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

Good Food Points – See Food List post on the blog.  Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

Bad Food Points – See  Food List post. Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX!

Exercise Points – One point per minute, up to 120 points per week. Must exercise at least 3 times a week! But break it down however it works best for you.  
Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  These will all be listed of on the blog, so check there. Pick all 5 tasks from the blog for each week.

After 10 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 10 p.m. You can still drink water after 10 without any point loss.

Water Points – Earn 10 points for drinking a minimum of 35 ounces of water every day. Your goal should be to drink ½ you weight in ounces. Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of fluid. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on.

5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! You get 2 points per fruit or veggie, and you don’t have to eat all 5 to get your points. {You’ll lose more weight if one is an apple, regardless of size. But just one.}

 Joy List - Create a list of at least 5 things that bring you JOY! I think it’s important that we purposely do something kind for ourselves regularly {ideas are: Reading, taking a bath, going out w/girlfriends, snuggling w/kiddos, going on a date with hubby, going to the Symphony, getting a pedicure, fresh cut flowers, taking a nap, etc.}  If your Joy List involves a food item, you’re welcome to use a Free food/taste, but it’s not a Freebie, just cause it’s on your list. ;)  This list can be added to at any time, but needs to be started by Thursday. 10 points per week for accomplishing one item from this list. 

 ✪ Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body. I'm assuming Heavenly Father likes to hear from us anytime. Pray twice a day. If that's morning/evening, afternoon/evening, morning/afternoon - that's fine. I think the Lord would rather hear from us several times during the day, regardless of the time. Also, aim for Personal Prayers, but if you need to count a family prayer you gave or your prayers with your spouse, I'm chill with that. 5 points per prayer, 2 prayers per day, totaling 10 points per day.

Daily Scripture Study Points – All or none. If you read, you get your points. If you miss, you don’t. Easy Peasy. Duration, intensity and absorption are between you and the Lord. Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, Sharing Time & Primary lessons, Ensign, Conference Talks, etc. all count.

Illness Allowance – If you catch a stomach flu or seriously nasty head cold, let me know. If you’ve tried your best to get all your food and water points, without consuming any negative foods, we’ll work out an illness allowance.

Please let me know if you have ANY questions.

Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Nuts; Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Walnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Filberts, etc.   Raw nuts are healthiest, be sure to check ingredients on any "roasted" or "dry roasted" types.  
Flax Seed
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, Spelt, Sprouted grains, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits
All vegetables  
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Tuna (packed in water)
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Cottage cheese
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Air popped popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, bran muffins, etc.
Daily Vitamin, RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max.

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined White Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Any cookie with sugar
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars such as granola bars, Cliff bars, Pop Tarts
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. Be wise about the amounts, but it’s still up to you.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Corn and Corn products
Natural tortilla chips/other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc.
Natural dark chocolate {look for a minimum of 60% cacao}
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc.
Wheat bread (that isn’t 100% whole wheat, but still healthy)
Sugar free gum
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.
Natural, No sugar added Frozen Yogurt (not sugar-free, as in sweetened with fake, chemical sugar)
94% fat free microwave popcorn

Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. Be wise about the amounts, but it’s still up to you.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Corn and Corn products
Natural tortilla chips/other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc.
Natural dark chocolate {look for a minimum of 60% cacao}
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc.
Wheat bread (that isn’t 100% whole wheat, but still healthy)
Sugar free gum
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.
Natural, No sugar added Frozen Yogurt (not sugar-free, as in sweetened with fake, chemical sugar)

94% fat free microwave popcorn