Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bonus Points: Each week there will be a task or 2 (think calendar tasks that aren't posted) that you can earn bonus points for. I'll most likely email these out, but I'll try to post them on the blog as well. 
This week you get 5 points each for:
* Getting me your $20 registration fee
* Emailing me your Fitness Goal

BONUS POINTS for Next week: 10 points for sending me a healthy recipe (that you haven't submitted before). I'll post them here on the blog so we can all enjoy them!

ALSO - Remember that each bad food is -4 points, instead of -2. Be wise. ;) 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

HHR3 Rules & Calendar Tasks

It looks like we'll be running an individual race this round. I have mixed feelings about this, cause teammates tend to help us make better choices. So... in an effort to help us be a little healthier, bad foods are going to be - 4 points each this round. Think twice before you eat that naughty food. Ha Ha.

Everyone needs to email or text me their goal for this round by Tuesday next. Be sure that it's a goal you have to work a little for, not just the easy road. If you can easily drop 6 pounds, shoot for 8. If you want to maintain your current weight, why not set your goal to LOSE an extra pound this holiday season. When you send me your goal, let me know if you want me to post everyone's goals online (to give more accountability) or keep them confidential. Your choice. 

I'll send out new tracking sheets with the adjustments in points, so watch your inbox for that. It has a tab for each week, with the last tab covering the last 9 days of the competition. 

I can't remember what info I posted and what I think I've posted. And I'm too tired to research it right now. So if you have ANY questions, please email or text me and I'll get you an answer ASAP.

Here's the list you get to choose from. You need to pick 4 for the first 3 weeks and 6 the last week. Be sure to pick your items early in the week; then write them down somewhere you'll remember. Each task can only be used once, with the exception of additional exercise and scripture points {which you can use every week, if you so desire}. I usually assigned items in the following categories: spiritual, service to others, personal pampering, etc. So try to pick different types, when possible.

* doorbell ditch an anonymous gift or treat for someone 
* thank your Bishop for all he's done this year
* try a new food you've never tasted
* give a food you don't think you like another try
* give your husband a back rub
* send a note, email, letter or call to a friend you haven't talked to in the last 6 months
* write secret notes & put them in your kids/husbands lunch
* wrap 7 Christmas presents
* go look at Christmas lights with your family
* sing 5 Christmas carols
* make a snowman with a child (if it ever snows. haha)
* watch someone else's kids so they can shop/wrap gifts
* play a game with your family
* read the Christmas story
* do something kind for a total stranger
* purge 10 Christmas decorations you don't use
* bake a new Christmas recipe or treat
* visit the Temple; do Temple-work, see the lights on Temple square, walk around the grounds, etc.
* write in your journal or baby books
* choose 3 new years resolutions and write them down, with a plan to accomplish them
* pamper yourself! get a massage, pedicure, foot soak, facial, etc. 
* share your testimony; mail it to a missionary, put it in your kids journals, bear it in Sacrament Meeting
* enjoy a yummy neighbor treat you receive 
* read your Scriptures/Ensign for an extra 15 minutes
* exercise for an extra 20 minutes (170 minutes instead of 150)
* floss your teeth
* make your bed or change your sheets
* read for 30 minutes
* take a nap!
* be in bed by 10 pm
* take a meal to a neighbor


HHR2 Winners

Sorry. Again.

Here's the totals from Healthy Holiday Round 2...

1st: Fight the Fat - 5978
2nd: kick-butt cousins - 5962
3rd: Sweet Potatoes - 5956
4th: Dark Chocolate Divas - 5930
5th: the Fruitcakes - 5881
6th: A&E - 5180
7th: Christmas Crazies - 4793

Congrats to everyone! The following gals get their $20 returned to them!

Cassie, & Erin, send me your addresses and I'll send you your $20. Denise & Jenn, I'm assuming you want me to keep your $$ for HHR3. Let me know if this is incorrect.
Thanks again for participating!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


 Round 2 ends this week, and HHR3 will begin a week from Wednesday, December 12th. It will run 30 days, ending on Friday January 11th.

Several of you have joined me for round after round. Others have recently started participating and others join us as able. Thank you! Having your support keeps me motivated and I really appreciate that. That said, somedays I grow weary of tracking points, reviewing my mental checklist and staying up late to make sure I've accomplished everything. And sometimes I just want to eat a treat. Sigh. Adding in the craziness of Christmas makes it even more tempting to "fall off the health wagon" so to speak. But I know that I lack the self control if I'm not tracking points, so I'm going to plug along. And I'm hoping many of you will join us in an effort to make better choices and stay a bit healthier this Christmas season. I know it's a crazy time of year. I know there's lots of yummy treats to tempt us. I know it's a challenge to stick with this. I wasn't going to change things, cause I feel like this program is finally fine-tuned. But, it is Christmas time after all. So here are the revisions for Healthy Holidays Round 3...

* Exercise points will be reduced to 150 points per week, with each minute equaling 1 minute. The last week (with 9 days) will have a total of 180 points possible.
* Scripture points will be reduced to a flat amount of 10 minutes per day = to 15 points
* Calendar Tasks: I'll post all the collected ideas for calendar tasks and you can pick your own. We'll reduce the number of tasks to 4 per week, and I'll still email/post 1 or 2 per week {such as: pick a team name, get me your $20, etc.}. This will make it easier on you and me. :) If you have any suggestions, please send them to me and I'll include them. 
* FREE Days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve & New Years Day will all be FREE days. You still get your floater FREE day.
* FREE Meals: 5 Free meals to be used at your discretion during the 30 days
* FREE Foods/Tastes: With all the yummy neighbor treats, parties and more to tempt us, everyone can also have 3 free foods per week! You can use them or not - you're choice. But if that neighbor treat looks sooo yummy - have some! Hopefully knowing you can taste some will let you eat it in moderation, as opposed to going crazy... Not that I would know anything about that. ahem. Or eating neighbor treats for breakfast. Anyways...
* Pounds Lost: I'm thinking of switching it up a little for this. I haven't decided for sure, but here are the 2 options I'm considering... 
1) Something along the lines of - Record your weight on day 1. Track your weight for the duration of the 30 days, and if you don't gain any weight, then you'll get your money back! This option would be more of a maintenance round, the goal would be to weigh the same or less, and if you achieve this, you'll get your $20 back! 
2) Or, we could do - Record your weight on day 1 & set a weight-related goal (lose 2 pounds, weigh the same or less on January 11th, etc.) Email me and your teammate your goal. On January 11th, let us know how you did. Those who reach their goal will get 25 or 50 bonus points (feedback would be appreciated on the point amount). There will be no points awarded for pounds lost; just personal satisfaction. Those within 15 points of the total amount of points will get their money back. Remainder of the money will be awarded as usual. 

If you're interested in joining us for HHR3, please email me your input & any calendar tasks or suggestions you may have. You have a few days to let me know if your interested; I just need to know by next Tuesday who's in. Thanks! 

Week 3 Results

Obviously, I'm struggling to keep up with everything in my life. So Sorry! Here are the results for last week...

This week we had a 4-way tie for first place!
Sweet Potatoes, the Fruitcakes, FTF & kick-butt cousins all had 1430 points
Dark Chocolate Divas - 1420
A&E -1310
Christmas Crazies - 1288

Way to go ladies! Remember to email/text me your points AND total pounds lost for the 30 days on Friday.