Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Simply Stunning in Six R5 Calendar Tasks

Get Erica your $25 before Tuesday
Learn a new hymn
Participate in a service or humanitarian activity
Watch an uplifting or Christian movie
Make lip balm or other DIY item with a friend :)
Give your kids/spouse 15 minutes of your undivided attention
In addition to visit, try new method to contact VT sisters (text, write a note, phone call, etc)
Free treat to celebrate Denise's b-day
Shovel Snow
Do an anonymous good deed
Take a treat or dinner to someone
Mop your Kitchen floor
Spend 10 minutes appreciating the sound of silence; meditate, ponder or just sit quietly
Wipe down your cupboards
Start your own Happiness Project: think of 3 - 12 items you'd like to work on during the year and sketch out a simple plan to focus more on appreciating all the happy in your life
Read the Happiness Project
Clean out a drawer
Get 15 min of Sunshine
Be Kinder than is Necessary 
Try a new exercise
Reread your favorite General Conference talk
Try a new hairdo
Smile and say Hello to 5 strangers
Take one of your kiddos on a date
Try a cleanse or detox - silence those sugar cravings!
Spend some snuggly time with your hubby
Clean out your fridge & wipe it down; inside & out
Make 5 freezer meals
Toss or donate 15 unneeded items
Every day for a week, write down 1 thing you are grateful for
Kiss your husband like you really mean it!
Share a weight loss or health tip with the group
Send along a healthy recipe you love
Spend one-on-one time with each of my kids
Try a new flavor/type of cheese
Go to a lecture or other performance; intellectual and or cultural event
Write a poem
Go on a Girl's Night Out
Make your bed
Clean out and organize at least one closet
Hang updated photos of family in the house
Try to go to bed before 11 at least 4 days in a week
Be at least 50% finished with a major room project
Have all my water consumed by 8 pm at least 5 days in a week

Clean out nightstand drawer

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