Monday, October 7, 2013

Simply Stunning in Six R2 Calendar Tasks

Pick all Seven of your tasks each week from this list:

* Get your $25 to Erica before Thursday
* Write a letter to a friend and mail it.
* Make a treat for a neighbor or someone on your street and drop it off anonymously.
* Write a poem about a  sunset, funny moment from the day etc...
* Index 100 names on familysearch
* Tell a clean joke to a child.
* Do a friend date.
* Spend time with your significant other doing something he likes.
* Bake and Share treats with friends or family.
* Share a story from your childhood with a child.
* Do something special for yourself.
* Learn and do a new exercise
* "Boo" 2 neighbors (treat and sign for their window)
* Do a chore your husband (or other family member) usually does
* Take a make-up holiday (one whole day without make-up)
* Make a handmade gift for someone
* Play a game {board/dice/card, etc.} with someone in your family, or a friend
* Visit your grandma or other extended family member
* Figure out a new way to make a veggie side dish for a dinner at home
* Re-read your favorite conference talk
* Choose 1 thing from Conference to implement in your life
* Read or listen to a talk you missed or didn't find interesting the first time
* Spend time with a friend
* Attempt to start a family pay it forward week (FHE?)
* Watch a football game
* Make a healthy dessert with a fall fruit (apples, pears, pomegranates, etc)
* Email Erica the Recipe to post on the blog
* Do something extra special for a neighbor or someone you visit teach
* Memorize a scripture
* Wear a fall color
* Dress up for Halloween
* Go on a walk with your spouse, kids, friend, etc.
* Paint your {or a child’s, friends} toenails or fingernails. Or get a Pedicure.
* Craft or Sew for 30+ minutes
* Clean out one drawer, cupboard, closet or space that you have been putting off doing
* Do a clothes purge; your closet or a child’s. Donate what you don’t need/won’t use.
* Write a letter to a Missionary & mail it.
* Do the Chicken Fat routine; if you have kids, have them do it too (the song is on Youtube)
* Try a recipe from the blog
* Write in your journal
* Write in your kids babybooks / journal {If you do this for multiple kids, you can count it as a separate task each time}
* Look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment
* Be in bed, lights out, by 10 pm
* Be out of bed by 6:00 a.m.
* Organize {& clean} an area that’s been bugging you
* Make a freezer meal, for you or someone else
* Spend time with your husband, a child, or friend and be Present – FOCUS only on them.
* Work out for 60+ minutes
* Have Family Home Evening; Lesson, Activity & Treat {free treat}
* Have a healthy treat for FHE  J
* Complete a Home Improvement Project
* Read for 30+ minutes, for pleasure
* Serve someone on purpose.
* Be kind to yourself; do something you have wanted to do for a long time - take a nap, clean a drawer, go to lunch, call a friend and talk etc.
* Read or color with a child for 10+ minutes
* Be to church 15 minutes early 
* Write a poem
* Take a nap
* Attend the Temple, Spend time on the Temple Grounds or in the Visitors Center
*Watch a sunset

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