Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 1 Results

1 week down and 3 more to go! Hope everyone had a great first week! Remember that we're only weighing in the 2nd and last Monday mornings, and submitting pounds lost at those 2 times. I'll assign weight loss points based on the reported numbers. And here are the results . . .

Sassy & Slimmer {Niccole & Erica} - 1110
2 Moms on a Mission {Krista & Jen} - 1105
DJ Duo {Denise & Judy} - 1104
The Wonder Twins {Erin & Jenn} - 1103
Point Masters {Jana & Karin} - 1077
Shera's Masters of the Universe {Sharla & Kendra} - 1058

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 2 Calendar Tasks

* Color a picture
* Make your bed
* Enjoy a Free Dessert
* Do a service for someone outside of your family
* Write down 10 things you are grateful for
* Eat a fruit or veggie that you don't eat very often or have never tried
* Mail or hand deliver {no texts or emails} someone a note; Birthday card, thinking-of-you note, Thank You card, etc.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Here are the teams for Fit4Fun. Pick a team name and text or email it to me.

Team 1 - Hillary & Codi
Team 2 - Sharla & Kendra
Team 3 - Erin & Jenn
Team 4 - Denise & Judy
Team 5 - Erica & Niccole
Team 6 - Karin & Jana
Team 7- Krista & Jen

Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 1 Calendar Tasks

It's official! Today is the first day of Fit4Fun! I hope everyone is excited for this fabulous 4 week adventure. Please check back tomorrow for team assignments.

Here are this weeks calendar tasks:
* Get me your $15
* Choose a team name and email/text it to me
* email the group a little bit about you and one goal you have for Fit4Fun
* Spend 15 minutes of quality time with a child, friend, spouse, etc.
* Have a family activity
* Clean out {toss or give away} any food that's a temptation for you
* Memorize a scripture

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Fit4Fun is starting on Monday August 20th. Read through ALL the information below, as there have been several changes to this awesome program. Please contact me if you have any questions.

A simple plan to balance physical, emotional and spiritual health!

Info & Introduction
The Fit4Fun program will run for four weeks– beginning Monday August 20th  and ending Monday September 17th {weigh-in in the am & you’re done}. Teams of two {unless we have an odd number of participants}, with each team selecting a team name. Each participant will be provided tracking sheets to record good food points, bad food minus points, exercise points, daily calendar challenge points, after 9 P.M. minus points, water points, 5+ fruit & veggie points, personal prayer points and personal scripture study points.  Weigh-ins?  We’re going to roll a little differently this time - Weigh yourself on Monday morning {8/20} and record your weight. Instead of a weekly weigh-in, we’re going to weigh in bi-weekly. On Monday morning, September 3rd, weigh again and send me your total number of pounds lost so far. Now weigh in for the final time on the 17th.  Email or text me the total number of pounds you’ve lost, as well as the number you’ve lost in the last 2 weeks. “Bonus Points” will be assigned accordingly. More information on that to follow.  Nobody will know how the competition is faring, weight wise. My reason for doing it this way is the hope that everyone will stay motivated. Remember this will be a team effort. Please use your best judgment & remember that we use the Honor System. **FASTING ALLOWANCE ** On Days you fast, you’re welcome to make adjustments as necessary. I know some have a hard time earning all their good foods and water. If you don’t consume any negative foods or eat after 9 and you’ve done your best to get all your healthy foods & fruits and veggies in, give youself full food points for the day.   
The weeks will run from Monday to Sunday.  Total points need to be emailed or texted to Erica every Monday by 2 pm. Calendar tasks will be posted on the blog: by Sunday evening. Results will be posted by Monday evening.
On Monday morning, August 20th , you’ll weigh yourself for your starting weight.  Lost pounds will be tracked starting 2 Mondays later. And then the last Monday of the competition.
To give us all a little more incentive & keep us committed, each participant will ante-up $15 each to put in the kitty.
The Winning teams will get the CASH!

***If your total score, before the “bonus” weight loss points, is 2010 or more, you will be eligible to get your $15 participation money returned to you!***
The total number of points possible is 2020. There is a very small margin for error in order to qualify for this. As a result of this possibility, I’m removing the 3rd place/top individual winner. Hopefully this will still allow for some cash to go to the winners, but still provide everyone an equal chance to at least “break even” {regardless of weight loss}. If you come in 1st or 2nd place, you forfeit this eligibility and your participation fee will be pooled with all other contributions. 

1st place – 65%                     2nd place – 35%

µProgram runs for five weeks - Beginning Mon. August 20th & ending September 17st {this is just the weigh-in day}

µ Track points daily on point tracking sheets.  We will go from Monday morning to Sunday evening each week.  Total your points and email or text them to me. I’ll post the point totals for the teams on the blog, so everyone can see how we’re all doing.

µ ONE free meal per week, Free Day on Labor Day and 1 Free Day of your choice. Please note that a free day only exempts you from bad food points. It’s not an automatic full-points-for-the-day. You still need to earn all your other points, including good food, fruit & veggie, water & exercise points.

µ Good Food Points – See included sheet.  Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day. Limit of 3 good food points for whole wheat food items per day.

µ Bad Food Points – See included sheet.  Subtract 2 points for every bad food eaten.  NO MAX! L

µ Exercise Points: 15-30 min. = 10 points, 31-45 min. = 15 points, 46-60 min. = 20 points, 20 points MAX per day.  Exercise can be done in segments (e.g. 15 min. in the morning, 15 min. after work, etc.). NO exercise points on Sundays. Total of 5 exercise days each week, so you can pick another day to have off.

µ Daily Calendar – Earn 5 points by following the daily calendar; these can be done at any point during the week. You can do all of them in one day, one a day or any combo you can think of.  Check the Blog for these.

µAfter 9 PM Points – Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 9 p.m. You can still drink water after 9 without any point loss.

µWater Points – Earn 10 points for drinking water every day {56 oz. weeks 1 & 2, 64 oz. weeks 3 & 4}. Your goal should be to drink ½ you weight in ounces. If at any point you reach that goal, then stick with that number! No need to drown yourself.  Example: if you weigh 120 lbs, your goal will be 60 oz of water. 150 lbs = 75 oz.  180 = 90 oz. and so on. I know it’s a lot, but it really does help your body perform at it’s best!

µ 5+ Fruits & Vegetables – Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and vegetables – count the V’s and F’s from the good food box. These count for both good foods and fruits and veggies – double bonus. Yay! {You’ll lose more weight if one is an apple, doesn’t matter about the size.  Also, of the five, let only one be an apple}

µ Personal Prayer Points – There is a special relationship between your body and your spirit.  Strengthen your spirit as you strengthen your body.  5 points for morning prayers & 5 points for evening prayers.  {Family, dinner prayer or Sacrament prayers not included, it has to be personal!}

µ Daily Scripture Study Points – 1-10 min = 5 points, 11-20 min = 10 points & 21-30 min = 15 points for daily scripture study.  Now’s the chance to do reading for next week’s Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, or for personal scripture study you’d like to do.

µ Weigh In – Weigh yourself  on the following Monday’s: 8/20, 9/3 & 9/17. Email me on 9/3 and tell me how many pounds you’ve lost. Then after you’ve weighed in on Sept. 17th, let me know you weight loss for the last 2 weeks AND the total number of pounds you’ve lost. If you weigh more on 9/3 or 9/17 than you did on 8/20, you must report a weight loss number of 0, regardless of if you weighed less at another point during the 4 weeks. 

µ Total your points & email them to me by 2 pm. I find it easiest to take 555 {perfect score for the week} and then subtract any negative points. Check for weekly results!

Don’t get confused by the exercise column on the tracking sheet. Since you get to choose your exercise “off day”, every day but Sunday has 20 points possible.
But the total points for the week only includes 5 days worth of exercise points.


Good Food List
Try to choose the majority of your foods from this list.  You get one point for every
good food choice you eat each day – up to 10 points per day.

It’s my personal opionion that it’s healthier to eat natural, un-processed foods & foods without chemicals versus low-fat/sugar/etc. foods that have artificial ingredients & chemicals in them. Since I’m in charge {heehe}, I’m adjusting the food list to coincide with my belief. So if you’re inclined to have mayo or sour cream, go for it. Just use a smaller portion instead of going crazy. If you can find a lighter, healthier version, by all means, use that. But I say; avoid artificial ingredients, chemicals & items whose names you can’t pronounce in favor of the ingredients your body knows how to process. Also, most food items have a healthier alternative, so get creative in your cooking; i.e. grill your shrimp with some spices as opposed to frying it in butter. It’s still delicious and waaaay more healthy. And that’s what I have to say about that! J

Legumes – black-eyed peas, lentils, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, etc.
Beans -Black, Pinto, Navy, White, Lima, etc.
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Bruce’s Cereal, etc.
Eggs, egg whites, or eggbeaters
100% whole grain breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran, Buckwheat, etc.
Brown Rice, Wild Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Quinoa/Buckwheat/Amaranth/Spelt/Millet/Couscous, etc.
Multi-grain crackers that are high in fiber &/or protein {i. e. - Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Tortilla Chips, Etc.}
Low sugar, high fiber cereal {Go Lean Kashi, All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran Flakes}
Skim or 1% milk , Rice Milk, Almond Milk or Soy Milk
All fruits
All vegetables except corn
Natural Salsa
Baked potato, red potatoes, yam or sweet potato
Tuna (packed in water)
Lean Pork
Turkey/Turkey Bacon
Lean Beef
Lean Ham
Lunch meat considered low in fat
Non fat or 1% cottage cheese
String cheese, Part-Skim Mozarella
Greek Yogurt & All Natural Yogurt
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Air popped popcorn or 94% fat free microwave popcorn
Protein bars, Lara bars, Trio bars, etc. {low sugar, high protein, high fiber}
Peanut Butter – all-natural, no hydrogenated oil
Low sodium soups
Daily Vitamin
RDA calcium supplement (From ages 9 through 18 years, the RDA for calcium is 1300 mg. because this period of growth is a critical time to build a greater bone mass that can help prevent osteoporosis. For adults aged 19 - 50, the RDA is 1000 mg. a day. After age 50, the RDA is 1200 mg)

{A note for our Gluten-intolerant friends – feel free to substitute Rice, Corn or other wheat-free products as necessary. Just remember that they need to follow the same rules as other foods – no MSG, hydrogenated oils, artficial sweeteners, etc.}

Bad Food List
Subtract 2 points for EACH food you eat a day on this list. No Max

Artificial sweeteners {splenda, sweet ‘n low, aspartame, etc.}
Refined Sugar
High-fructose Corn Syrup, corn syrup & other similar sweeteners
Sugar cereal or low fiber cereal
White bread
White pasta
Fried foods
Bakery items, such as muffins, cake, or pie
Soda or other drinks with sugar
Ice Cream
Potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Cheezits, crackers, ETC. 
Any cookie with sugar
Chocolate candy
Bagels or donuts
High sugar or high carb bars such as granola bars, Cliff bars, Pop Tarts
Hot dogs
Hydrogenated oils of ANY kind
MSG – monosodiuim glutamate
You know your body … put anything else on this list that isn’t good for you!

Neutral Food List

These foods won’t give or take points away. They should be used sparingly.

Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Evaporated Cane Juice, Brown Sugar & Honey
Natural tortilla chips/other natural corn products
Ak-Mak crackers or Nut-thins {check the labels still}
Cheese; Parmesan, Cheddar, Colby Jack, etc. {just a small serving}
Natural dark chocolate {1 serving per day}
Home-made baked goods made with whole wheat {or brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.} flours & approved sweeteners. i.e. zucchini muffins, bran muffins, etc. To be consumed in moderation.
Natural Mayo, Sour Cream, Salad Dressings, etc. that are used sparingly!!
Sugar free gum
White Rice – used occasionally in smaller amounts {Brown Rice still has more fiber and nutrients, so try to use that 8 out of 10 times}.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Grand Totals

I know everyone is eager to find out who won the cash. Before I tell you though, I want to say Thanks {again} for participating & tell everyone Great Job! Hopefully everyone's established a healthy habit or 2 that will stick with them.

For those of you interested, I'm going to run another round {this one 4 weeks long}, starting August 19th and concluding September 16th {weigh in 9/17 in the a.m.}.
Here's the brief 411 on Fit4Fun:
Girls Only
$15 participation fee
Haven't decided if it'll be sign-up with a teammate or each individual for herself
Labor Day + 1 Free Day of your choice
1 Free Meal per week
5 days exercise points
most other items will be same or similar to this round.
I'm heading to BYU Education week on the 13th - 17th, so if you're interested, please let me know by August 12th. People can still sign up until the 18th, but the more notice, the easier it'll be for me.
email or text me with questions.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.
Drumroll please . . .

coming in first we have the LA Sparkettes {5610}
followed by another mother/daughter duo, M&M {5565}
who had  the Untouchables {5563} nipping at their heels
cv + ppj = f.u.n. {5493} brought their "A game"
those Blonde Bombshells {5456} really came from behind
then we've got the 3rd mom/daughter duo, Me & Mi {5454}
followed by Uber Fit & Hungry {5409} who are a little more fit, but still hungry.
the Milk Maids {5385} did awesome
NBC {5340} really enjoyed their vacay
way to go to our 4th mother/daughter team: 2 Hot Mama's {5291}

After totaling the votes, the majority opted to keep the winnings as originally stated.
With drop-outs, round-ings & service fees {haha} the total cash in the kitty is $475, divided as follows:

LA Sparkettes wins $250!
M&M takes home $175
and the Untouchables get $50 - their participation fee back!

Winners: contact me to work out arrangements to collect your prize money.

Week 5 Results

First of all, thanks to everyone for participating! I totally need the accountability to stay on task, so thanks to all of you for providing that for me. It's been an interesting five weeks, but I've heard great results from most of you, so give yourselves a pat on the back. Way to Go Gals!

Here are the results for week 5:
LA Sparkettes - 1124
M&M - 1122
the Untouchables - 1114
Blonde Bombshells - 1112
Milk Maids - 1106
Me & Mi - 1082
cv + ppj = f.u.n. -1078
2 Hot Mama's - 1058
Uber Fit & Hungry - 1029
NBC - 900